Hi Folks,
Just finishing up the inspection of the D&RGW L-131 Anniversary Series Locomotives. All I can say is, WOW!!!
These beasts will be arriving first week in June. Only 120 of these were produced in 2 Rail and 3 Rail combined. We have a few remaining without names on them in Green / Early and Black / Late in both 2 Rail with QSI and 3 Rail. To see the details go to our web site: http://www.3rdrail.com/reservation.html
Arriving in a few days are the GGD Coaling Towers. These scale models of the OGLE 100 Ton Coaling station can be had for $249.95 + S&H. To get one, go to: http://www.goldengatedepot.com/reservation.html
You can use Paypal, just select Black or Brown and click away.
The new factory is cranking on our new projects expertly. They will be producing simultaneously the SD7 and SD9 Diesels and SP S-12 0-6-0 switchers. Both have been on our web site for a while and it's about time to move them over to the In Stock side of our web site. Look for these projects to complete in August.
After that the E8 /E9 Diesels will go into production. A fall production is in order. Also the CB&Q O-1a will be considered for production at that time.
On the GGD side, we still have Modernized HW Coaches. Although we sold a good amount of these, we still have a few in each livery In Stock. To view and purchase these please go to: http://goldengatedepot.com/reacar-buy.html
In the works are our 12-1 and 8-1-2 Sleepers. We still have these open for reservations, but quantities have been set, so eventually these reservations will fill up and choices will be diminished. So again, come to our web site to secure your Pullman Sleeper. http://www.goldengatedepot.com/reservation.htm
We are working on a deal to get our Aluminum cars produced in mass. The GN Empire Builder, Sunset Limited, Silver Meteor and SF El Capitan Rerun. It ain't easy these days. Costs are through the roof. No wonder no one else is making Aluminum cars. But we are doing everything we can to stay in the game. There is no better way to make short runs of scale detailed passenger cars. Plastic 21" cars of today are generic in so many ways. Generic interiors, window arrangements etc. We make all our Aluminum cars right to the Blue Prints, right down to the position of the chairs in the dinning car. I know they are getting expensive, but what you get is something no one else has, ACCURACY. We won't be able to make these cars forever. Eventually the run will come to an end. Matching market expectations of price and factory costs eventually won't make sense. So come and order what you want, before they are gone forever. http://www.goldengatedepot.com/reservation.htm
Come to our web site to see what else we have in stock. http://www.3rdrail.com
Thanks again for your support in reserving, providing your ideas and data for these and other projects we have done in the past. We make them for you.
Scott Mann - China