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Marty, I just bought several packs of the street lights, I was figuring that three sets wired in series should work out  to 13.5 volts, so a variable output like on the CW-80 should work great. At $3.99 for a 4 pack it's not a major investment if it doesn't work.


 In your case it might be a little harder unless you keep the battery pack. Using track power, you will have the issue of the voltage varying with train speed. Maybe someone here can come up with a reasonable solution for you, in a stationary accessory, it should be fairly easy, but on a train car using track power, I'm not the person to ask, Sorry.



Originally Posted by Marty R:

Running on Variable AC. Per my DCS handheld, I'm running at 7 to 12VAC, usually 8 or 9V

Use a bridge rectifier and 35V capacitor (converts AC to DC) and an LM317 rated for 1 amp in TO220 package, wired as 4.5V voltage regulator (google lm317 for the resistor components needed).  9V volts will still be enough to get regulator going and as I imagine the campfire draws minimal current, 18 or higher volts will probably just slightly warm the LM317 package. 

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