ZW multi Watt transformer blowing/throwing 20 amp circuit breaker. I have tried replacing the outlet, replaced the on/off switch to the outlet and have narrowed it down to the 180 watt bricks. I do not have the bricks plugged into the transformer.
I can plug in 3 of the 4 180 watt bricks and it does not throw the circuit breaker. I've tried every combination of just 3 or 4 bricks being plugged in and it never throws the breaker. But, when I plug in all 4 bricks, the circuit breaker will throw. It does not happen all the time, but sometimes when I have not turned it on for a day, it throws the circuit breaker when it first comes on. After resetting the circuit breaker, if I shut the switch off and on to the outlet, it takes 3 to 8 times before it blows the circuit breaker again. The circuit breaker is only about two years old. I am not very electronically inclined, but do know how to read a multi-meter. What I was wondering is there a way to test what brick may be causing the surge when power has been turned on?