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On our annual trips to New York City around the Holidays, between my parents and I, we would always come home with numerous copies of the Lionel Catalog gotten mostly from the Lionel Showroom and Madison Hardware.  One of my many favorites was the 1958 catalog.  I always wanted a freighter docked on my train layout and that stems from the first page of that catalog. In fact, I was 1st grade and we were supposed to be looking at our Religion Books. I didn't realize that the nun had flanked me and saw that I had the Lionel Catalog open inside my book. After a harsh word or two she took the catalog away never to be seen again. About 45 minutes later we were told to take out our Arithmetic Books. Yep, you guessed it. Another copy of the Lionel Catalog somehow got into my Arithmetic Book.

Well, my Mother was called to school and, to say the least, I was a lot more careful with my catalogs after that. There is a freighter on my layout now, I still have my catalogs and some great memories.

152347980_10226704663862291_8133859078549792704_o1958 Catalog Page


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  • 152347980_10226704663862291_8133859078549792704_o
  • 1958 Catalog Page
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Skip, it is always great seeing photos of your fantastic NYC themed layout.  Yes, those nuns could be tough!  I'll never forget one time when I was day-dreaming in an after school religion class at old Nativity BVM in Ozone Park, looking out the window at the passing R-1/9s on the Liberty Ave el.  I turned back toward Sister Mary Grace just as she flung a loaded eraser straight for my head.  Bulls-eye!  I looked like a skunk for the rest of class!  Sister Mary Grace could have played left field for the Yankees with her arm!

@ConrailFan posted:

Skip, so did you ever get any of the catalogs back? Yes I went to parochial school too, but I was always one grade behind the nuns as they retired, so I never got the knuckle smack, but I did get a couple of ear pulls by the lay teachers!,

I had a stash of catalogs, but after losing 2, I stopped bringing them to school. Ah yes, the ear pull, how can one forget?

Great memory Skip......1958 is my favorite catalog.......especially loved that catalog page......oh, how I would have loved those military vehicles!!!!!!!!!

You know, some nuns are RailFans at is my wife, her older sister(who is a nun) and my father-in-law on the west bank of the Hudson near the Bear Mountain Bridge.  

The freight train was pulled by diesels in PennCentral livery......early 70s.



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@FrankG posted:

Skip, it is always great seeing photos of your fantastic NYC themed layout.  Yes, those nuns could be tough!  I'll never forget one time when I was day-dreaming in an after school religion class at old Nativity BVM in Ozone Park, looking out the window at the passing R-1/9s on the Liberty Ave el.  I turned back toward Sister Mary Grace just as she flung a loaded eraser straight for my head.  Bulls-eye!  I looked like a skunk for the rest of class!  Sister Mary Grace could have played left field for the Yankees with her arm!


I didn't get nailed with an eraser until 6th grade. It happened to be a lay teacher who was a dead ringer for Dusty Springfield and had an arm like Roger Maris.

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