I was sorting through my collection of tinplate the other day in an attempt to figure out how much display shelving I would need to include everything I had. It struck me that I have gathered a sort of micro museum of tinplate history, while not all inclusive, it has enough representative samples
from manufacturers to be considered as such.
Then it also struck me I have become a curator without intending to. The third thought about this situation is my micro museum has few visitors as such, and I am it’s best customer.
I remember many many years ago reading in Model Railroader the term, “lone wolf collector” and this set me off to write this post.
Outside of the TCA and TTOS, how many of you have operating meets where collectors bring their stuff to run? I wish I had a dime for every scale or high rail club I hear about in O gauge, but what about tinplate? Has anyone thought of the idea of a club layout for tinplate?
A further thought for what its worth..in going through my collection I have several Marx stations signals, pedestrian walkways, tin houses, switches..all this stuff I am not using but hate the thought of breaking up the collection and then it occurred to me how cool t would be to incorporate my stuff with others to make a fantabulous club layout akin to what hi-railers and scale folks have.
Any thoughts on this out there? Has anyone attempted this in the past or present? Sort of odd no one has.