Been away for a few weeks, but here are the rest of the bunch. Thanks for looking!
Right on schedule, N&W #611 shows off her speed as she races past Beiler's Crossing.

Among the low growing rows of crops, Norfolk & Western J Class #611 hustles back heading west to her terminal and point of origin with a short freight in tow.

"Standing in Awe": A local Amish farmer gazes at N&W J Class locomotive #611 as she chugs by his position along Long Curve outside of Paradise, Pennsylvania. For some families who, for generations, have lived along these tracks within ear shot of a steam locomotive, the presence of a 300 psi 1950 J Class locomotive makes all the difference in their day!

Fireman Mark Young eyes the Amish onlookers and household pets, as N&W M Class #475 puts on a steam show rounding Long Curve outside of Paradise, Pennsylvania.

A local Amish family watches the high iron activities with Norfolk & Western #475 as she passes over the Pumpkinville Turnpike hauling a mixed train along the Road to Paradise.

"1958": There is no shortage of steam action along the jointed rails of the Norfolk & Western. N&W J Class #611 hauling a short freight comes thundering by followed a few minutes later by the local mixed train hauled by N&W M Class #475.

A friendly wave and hello greets Norfolk & Western J Class #611 as she passes over top of the Pumpkinville Turnpike outside of Paradise, Pennsylvania.

Two more runbys at Esbenshade Road...

Three young Amish girls agreed to pose for us next to their buggy and various items as N&W #611 performed a runby...

"The Big Two" (Before anyone raises concern, both locomotives were stationary during these shots. We were escorted by railroad officials onto the tracks to get a closer angle of both locomotives posed side by side.)

And there's always time for a Groff's Grove "liftoff"...

The local farmer's daughter waves hello to the engineer of N&W M Class #475 as she shuffles along on her antique Oliver tractor in the fields along the Road to Paradise.

During the photo charter, Great Western #90 was hauling the regularly scheduled hourly trains. The crew on #90, Steve Weaver and Erich Armpriester, really put on a show for us making their presence in between the photo freights well worth it. Here, #90 hustles up the grade to Carpenter's crossing hauling about 9 cars. Out of all the locomotives on this day operating #90 actually was having to do the most work.

Some classic Lancaster county scenery to mix with N&W steam...

The cemetery shot at Carpenter's crossing with N&W #611... (we had great lighting all day)

With the sunlight fading fast, this runby with N&W #475 marked the end of our day, but what a day it was. Definitely a photo charter to go down in the history books!

Thanks again for looking!