Yes, that's why I said they needed the sales. Better stock up quick! I really hope they don't close up, I think that would be a big loos for a lot of hobbyists, myself included. Sad to see another long time company going under.
I have purchased a few different sized boxes that had matching blank circuit boards to fit them (which RS does not have that I know of) from another supplier. I just checked to see what they were and their web page says they are closed. Hosfelt electronics was the supplier, so much for that one also. Web site still up, but gives errors and says CLOSED on front page.
I will see if I can figure out the actual manufacturer of the boxes I got there and if I can find them elsewhere I will post back here.
Ok, I think this is one that I was talking about. They have more listed on this site, but they are not as big as the ones from RS. Also looks like only some, not all, have the matching PCB's. Might be worth a look or search their site? They had many other project boxes to choose from. Parts Express project box