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Yes, that's why I said they needed the sales. Better stock up quick! I really hope they don't close up, I think that would be a big loos for a lot of hobbyists, myself included. Sad to see another long time company going under.


I have purchased a few different sized boxes that had matching blank circuit boards to fit them (which RS does not have that I know of) from another supplier. I just checked to see what they were and their web page says they are closed. Hosfelt electronics was the supplier, so much for that one also. Web site still up, but gives errors and says CLOSED on front page.


I will see if I can figure out the actual manufacturer of the boxes I got there and if I can find them elsewhere I will post back here.  


Ok, I think this is one that I was talking about. They have more listed on this site, but they are not as big as the ones from RS. Also looks like only some, not all, have the matching PCB's. Might be worth a look or search their site? They had many other project boxes to choose from. Parts Express project box

Last edited by rtr12

DigiKey has a nice selection of ABS project boxes.  If you search as follows, several thousand come up:


You can then narrow search based on dimensions.  For example, selecting Area L x W greater 18 sq. inches (since you want 6 x 3), a whole bunch come up and then choosing a H of more than 2" you narrow down a bit more and, for example, the following comes up for $5.18.


rl6435_ibThe nice thing about brand name boxes is, to your point, it is likely they will be available next year.  Some manufacturer names I recognize and have used from the DigiKey search include Bud, Hammond, and Serpac.   Another advantage is these boxes usually have very detailed drawings (more info than any hobbyist would ever need) such as the following for the above Hammond box including 3-D renderings.



Images (1)
  • rl6435_ib
Originally Posted by rtr12:

Radio Shack  has the exact size you are looking for 6x3x2 Project Box I think they need the sales help as well. These are also nice boxes, I have used them.


Originally Posted by nvocc5:

Hi all


Thanks for the replies. Dear rtr12 that is where I am getting them currently. However do to their current situation I do not know if they business this time next year.  This why I asking now to see what other vendors are out there to purchase from.

I hate to see Radio Shack go. How many of us felt this day would come years ago? My youth was filled with almost every, "Heath-Kit" available. Then, all of a sudden not one electronics kit could be found. Since then the stores have down-sized many times. They will be missed.



I haven't used my stuff in years (who uses a color bar generator anymore). I don't know where I'd get the tubes for the color bar generator if one failed. I believe my VOM is high impedance as well but it is transistor based instead of vacuum tubes. It's about 6in high by 16in wide and 8in deep. or about 40 or 50 times bigger in volume than my Fluke. It did work very well until I got a Fluke about 20 years ago.


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