I'm running Full DCS with remote.
This Railking didn't come with ditch lights. The non alternating ditch lights were aftermarket using just track power.
Understood on using DCS command control. If guidance is what you seek, I'm thinking we've got to figure out how to use the PS3's built-in alternating ditch light function...rather than an alternating LED circuit module from wherever. To GRJ's point, if you use an external/after-market alternating LED flasher (such as might be used in a crossing flasher) then it will either be flashing or OFF.
I'm no DCS guru, but I think something you might try sooner than later is to see if you can even access the Ditch Light control menu on your RK E-8 as is. I was under the impression that DCS engines might not allow you to access certain features on the DCS remote if the engine is NOT equipped with those features. If such is the case for Ditch Lights, then you'd have to upgrade the engine's parameters which typically means finding, say, a Premier version of the E-8 that has operating Ditch Lights and using the TIU to re-program your RK E-8 with the Premier version's soundset/chain-file.
So can you use your DCS remote on your RK E-8 and even "reach" the menu that allows you to turn on/off the non-existent Ditch Lights and/or set the mode?