So, the Alaska Railroad "At your service" Eskimo is all over the toy train world, the Lionel 614 and 8154 switchers, Paul's hoppers, various boxcars and even this Lionel bunk car.
This tool car was a LRRC 1989 offering that I was converting to ARR. I had some yellow ARR HO decals and even a set of 614 "decals" with the Eskimo that I thought I could cobble together to match the bunk car, however the 614 decals turned out to be stickers on clear background that may work fine on the flat side of a switcher cab but not so fine on the wood side of the tool car. I went in search of the logo on the internet that i could copy to make decals, came up with this thread, plenty of pictures of O gauge trains and one picture of a tractor trailer but no logo alone and no pictures of any rolling stock adorned with that logo. Is this a case of Lionel taking a little used but whimsical logo and using it to sell toy trains and years later the whole industry has latched onto it as real paint scheme? In any case I believe I will have to change direction and use some white ARR boxcar decals instead of yellow on blue to be complimentary to the blue on yellow.