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Santa did find a way to squeeze that huge box down the chimney and my Albuquerque station is now in its honored place on my layout.  Like several others, apparently, I had TrainWorx reletter mine - for Douglas the main terminal on my layout.  It is just as beautiful a model as I remember seeing at York.  Here is a before shot of the Douglas station with its Lionel #114 station (as I said in my For Sale listing, it's still the most beautiful station Lionel ever did, in my opinion) but just not in character with the high rail theme of the rest of the layout.




And here we are today with Douglas's new station.







Since the original production run was for 12 of these beauties, and since a few Forum members in earlier posts have mentioned ordering one, I thought it would be neat to have each of the new owners post a photo of their stations on their own layouts.  Scrapiron Scher has shared one for his Munoz station already.  How about the rest of you?  It will be interesting to see how many of the first run of buildings was courtesy of the OGR Forum members.


Images (4)
  • station1
  • station2
  • station3
  • station4
Last edited by PeterA
Original Post

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ABQ station is looking VERY nice.


I have a regular MTH station coming, it will not be as glorious as the ABQ.


If Memory serves there is a EXCELLENT ABQ picture somewhere on the Net that shows a set of Super Chief Engines refueling off a tank car at ABQ during or near the war years.


I will reserve my opinions about how the city has deteriorated in the last 20 years or so.



I think that Trainworx did a good job at representing Albuquerque's station. One of my beefs as a Texan is that most of the models of brick and masonry stations on the market look like they either date to the 1870's or represent something more likely to be found in the Northeastern or mid-Atlantic states.


Real estate or the "footprint" is a problem, even for those of us who only set up on modular layouts where we don't have to take trackwork into consideration. I've been noodling around with a building that could serve a mid-sized town and still came out with a footprint of about 24 inches long and 8 inches wide, even if it is condensed.

Last edited by Mister_Lee

Hi Peter, you have something to be really proud of there. TrainWorx are of the best at what they do. I really wish I had the real estate for one of their products.


Oh yea, I noticed that you got rid of the Lionel tower I think I would of done the same thing not wonting to block the view of the station. But, it is still cool and needs have a home some place else on the layoput, maybe down by the switch yard.

As for the 114 tinplate station, your right it may be a beauty but it was out of it's element on your layout and I'm sure there is a worthy home out there for it.


Good luck with your new station, it really does add alot to your town.

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