Sooooo..... Not to take anything away from Rich and Korber....OGR forum sponsors...but did anyone see OGR's new Ameritowne building at York...the #942 Midtown Hotel??...6 stories high, a 5"x5" footprint, complete with nifty Korber (Tichy?) exterior fire escape!??
No? Too's PERFECT for hiding that pole. AND...if you need to go taller, you can get extra walls AND fire escape packages.
Unfortunately, wife and I had already encased our poles in 2x6 boards (they provide peninsular support for the cantilevered benchwork). Ergo, we needed a building with 7" square clear space inside. The OGR team was MOST helpful in working with us on how to modify the Midtown Hotel...using a Bill's Place (#872) do just that. We've laid it all's going to work magnificently!! For our table height and a slight rise in the city ground level at the post, the top of the 6-story building will be just about at my eye-level. Add a Miller sign on top...bada-bing, bada-boom! We'll try to take some pictures as we go along.
Oh, yes...the rest of the pole (or, in our case, 2x6's) ABOVE any structure around it at table level....paint it flat black. Old theater staging trick...things you don't want the eye to be drawn to, paint flat black. Not perfect, but effective enough. (So says Lucas Gudinov!) pole? Try Ameritowne's Midtown Hotel!!
P.S. and BTW OGR Team....Let's get this Hotel on your website!!! I would have added a website reference, but.....???? Hey, it's been a week since York! What gives? You guys don't have anything else to do!!