Attached is an old railroad sign printed on cardboard that I just found when taking apart an old framed picture. I've had the picture and ten more like it for decades, probably from a garage sale somewhere. They are all framed Vargas pin-up pictures probably from the 30's and 40's. Recently finding them in the basement, I thought, "are these real Vargas' prints?" Well, once removed from the frames, I found they're not; most are pages from a magazine or pages from a calendar.
But what I did discover that intrigued me was the cardboard backing in two of the frames, the old railroad sign I've attached. I have no idea how old it is although there is a code in the upper left corner that reads: O-10-26 1M, (which may indicate 1926) and in the top center it reads: Form 651. I don't know if any of this is visible in my attachment; I've never tried to attach a photo before.
So I'm wondering just what I have here, is this from the 30's or 40's? I see it says, "TO PUGET SOUND - ELECTRIFIED" which may give a clue as to its age. I'm in the Milwaukee area so it's likely that a Milw. RR employee had access to these cardboard signs and found a good use for them. I'm just interested in when and where they were used; and did they only apply to the Milwaukee Road, or were these "LAWS" used on other railroads?
I hope my attempt at getting this photo in the message works! Here goes...
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