Not the Momma!
Danger Will Robinson.
Here are a few more shots of some of the celebrities on my module:
Harry Potter and Ron Weasley:
Flintstones again with Tim "The Tool Man" Taylor from "Home Improvement":
And Danny and Sandy from "Grease":
@coach joe posted:
Those hoppers look like they are loaded with bacon bits!
@coach joe posted:
Those hoppers look like they are loaded with bacon bits!
Dave, it's suppose to be "ore" in the TH&B and "coal" in the SR. Want me to send you some? :-)
Here are my celebs.
The Godfather ( dressed in trench coat and hat ).
Queen Elizabeth. She didn't pass away ... she just moved to Patsburg.
Clark Kent steps out of phone booth. His Superman uniform is in the briefcase tucked under his arm.
bluelinec4, Marty's house and red Corvette. Great memories and a great tribute. Thanks for sharing.
How about this one especially for the older TCA members, none other than Mr. TCA Lou Redman in his famous red& white suit. I will head up to the layout today and take his picture and post it later!!! Have some other interesting items on the layout, such as signatures from layout guests, I know these are not actual figures on the layout but none the less people known in our train world at least. I have probably over 50 signatures on our version of the Wall of Fame, simply too many to list but a lot of forum members are on there. I will list just a few without last names so I don't upset anyone as they know who they are!! Of course, Marty, Dotty, plus a bunch of other New Jersey folks, Big Mike (Hint Lionel), Dave & Pennsylvania gang, Tom Sr & Tom Jr, etc. Enjoyed ALL of them and hope to add more!!!