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In the Atlas email I just received, I noticed they were offering/promising several types of three rail trucks, including

friction and roller bearing caboose trucks (no pictures of these, so I wondered what was the difference).  Apparently

three common types such as Bettendorf are already available.  Unfortunately, there was no mention of any archbar

ones to become available.  I recently picked up some Weaver Lionel-compatible couplers, and I assume Weaver is still offering their two types of trucks?  I am guessing the caboose builder on here will be interested in those caboose trucks,

as will I.

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The on line catalog for O is in two parts. There is a small note on the 2 rail trucks, next to last page of the second part.  Click to access the second part of the catalog and then scan down to the last page.


2-Rail Coupler 7057

Two rail trucks

50-Ton Barber-Bettendorf Trucks 7064

70-Ton Roller Bearing Trucks 7065

100-Ton Roller Bearing Trucks 7066

Andrews Trucks 7067

Roller Bearing Caboose Trucks 7068

Commonwealth Express Trucks 7069




Last edited by Mike CT
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