How much would you guys suggest banking 0-31 tubular track turns? Specifically how much should I jack up the outside of the curve, 1/8", 1/4", something else? Also if there is a 10-15" straight between 2 curve sections on each side should the straight maintain the banked angle? I know the straight section leading into the curve should progressively start the bank. Thanks for the help.
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I wouldn't bank them at all unless you are running clockwork trains in a simple circle.
I agree with Rob. As a fyi--this isn't Nascar. The proper term is superelevation.
Right super elevation, thanks. So it will be a simple oval around another line, no switches yet. Just have a little guy who might like to run a little fast. My loco would flip over on the 0-27 if it went too fast, so will the 0-31 be enough difference to prevent this without super elevation?
If you are just running on the floor, I say let it fly. Eventually he'll learn to slow down, especially if he's the one who has to put it back on the track.
How old is he?
Not trying to hi-jack the thread, but I have been wondering about this also.
What height for super elevating 072 and greater, ie, 0-120? Interested in hearing about techniques to do this. I plan on adding this into my layout I am designing.
I think a Big Boy would look awesome on super elevated, long, sweeping curves!
Big Boy 4005, I love your layout updates!
If you don't think 1/16" will do the trick, run to Lowe's or Home Depot and buy a pack of shims. Put a few under the curve and gradually push them in until you get the super-elevation that works for you. be sure to keep trimming the thin end so only the outer rail gets raised.