Has anyone played with these "Bass shakers" to try to get the effect of a big loco going by a viewing spot? https://www.parts-express.com/...campaign=email102318
I want to play with local sound on my layout and this seems like fertile ground. These things are cheap anyway so it isn't like a major loss if they don't perform as expected. I recently salvaged a "mechanical tremolo" unit from an old Gulbranson organ. This works like the old Leslie organ speakers that you sometimes see attached to Hammond B3s. Except with the Leslies, only the horns rotates, the speaker is stationary feeding the horns. Glbranson took this one step further and the whole speaker rotates in a sealed drum past a gap in the enclosure. So the sound coing through the whole assembly, as the speaker spins, has a trmolo or doppler effect quality. I think that thing will be fun t play with and add a unique sound dimension to the layout. If not, what the heck--it came out of the junk!
Anyway, I think these sound shakers have "railroad fun" written all over them!
Don Merz