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Don, the 6565 series was made in the late 90’s, early 2000’s with a 6464 type body on a Diecast frame with those nice Diecast trucks. I’m not able to access my catalogs from that time period, so it’s just a guess. I know there were Santa Fe and others as well. I think it was when Wellspring had control, and also made Diecast hoppers and tank cars, but I’m open to correction!

Today, I opt for a little unusual boxcar.  It was born as the Lionel #6470 in 1959 when the space race was still going strong and Lionel was looking for any potential action toy to sell trains. In 1959 & 1960, still as #6470, it was part of 2 uncatalogued sets, sold exclusively through Sears, Sears set # 9654 in 1960 pulled by a Boston & Main Alco AB and including a missile launching flatcar and Sears set #9682 in 1959 pulled by the #44 Army missile launcher.  In 1961 Lionel (for some reason) changed its number to 6480 but there does not seem to be any visible changes to the car.   It also does not appear to have been part of any further sets.  The sole purpose of this box car was to come apart!  Yes this is the "target" exploding boxcar that was supposed to "blow up" when struck by a missile.  In truth, I would think this thing was quite frustrating because I could not keep it together for one circuit around my layout, hence the very visible elastic band in the pictures.  Maybe it was better when new, after all its now almost 61 years old.

So here he is the Lionel #6480 "Exploding" Boxcar !!

Lionel Exploding Boxcar 2

Best wishes for a good week.



My version came with my first train set around 1962. IMHO, this was truly one of the most useless cars Lionel ever produced!!! I can assure you that, when brand new, it couldn’t make a full circuit of the 4x8 board my brother and I had in the day without the sides collapsing inward. And the turbo launching car behind it couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn, much less the boxcar unless they were both stationary and no more than a couple of feet apart. I remember all the great ads Lionel ran at the time (especially at this time of the year) showing all the space/military trains and missiles hitting moving targets - today, they’d probably get sued for false advertising!!!



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  • 3CC9E713-3BCD-442A-8982-0FC5228567BC

Sitka: You have my admiration, I will echo what I said and what Apples 55 said, I don't know how you get that "exploding" boxcar to go around your layout without the sides collapsing...I never could do it, finally used a rubber band for display (LOL)


Thanks Don my PW Lionel has a pin and a rubber stop at the bottom holding it together, never fell apart on me, Got the pin or rod from Jeff Kane at the traintender.

Well enough about "exploding" boxcars...its BxCarSun afterall and Sunday should be a day of rest and quiet contemplation, no explosions...  Today I will admit my post today was set off by something Don Winslow posted on 10/10...Lionel "waffle side" boxcars.  Candidly I had seen nor heard of such a thing so off I go on a "quest"...turns out that there are 15 different waffle side boxcars made by Lionel (LLC) between 1995 and 2011. I don't know why I never saw any before, must just be my focus on older trains.  So anyway, after some searching, I finally manage to find my first "waffle side" .  This one is the #15001 from 1995, actually the 2nd one in the series which began with #15000 in the same year.  

So here is #15001, the Seaboard "waffle side" boxcar from 1995

Lionel waffle side boxcar side

Here is the "logo" side of the design

Lionel waffle side boxcar logo side

The slogan side of the design

Lionel waffle side boxcar slogan side

The end of the car, showing the unusual low mounted brake wheel.

Lionel waffle side boxcar end

Well Happy Box Car Sunday everyone...hope you have a wonderful week.



Images (4)
  • Lionel waffle side boxcar side
  • Lionel waffle side boxcar logo side
  • Lionel waffle side boxcar slogan side
  • Lionel waffle side boxcar end

Here is a Santa Fe BX-11 I kitbashed from a Weaver outside braced car, an Intermountain kit (roof and doors), and some miscellaneous strips and parts. The prototypes were a result of WW2 material shortages - not enough steel could be acquired for all new cars, so refurbished outside braced cars with new raised roofs would have to do.

Model 1Model 2



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  • Model 1
  • Model 2

I always thought double sheathed (DS) boxcars were like an upgraded single-sheathed (SS) boxcar.  I purchased a Lionel SSW DS boxcar and then did some research on it, finding out I probably should not have bought it.


First off, some things I learned.

- Single-sheathed and outside-braced are interchangeable terms for the same style of boxcar.

- SS had a steel Warren Truss outside frame that when combined with the steel underframe provided the structural strength for the car. Here is a photo of my Atlas outside-braced car.

MCRR-NYC outside braced

-DS had a heavy duty steel frame for strength with an all wood structure, with vertical outside wood sheathing and horizontal inside wood sheathing over wood framework. 

- Both the SS and DS boxcars were being built at the same time, starting during WWI using USRA standards.

- The DS was cheaper and lighter than the SS.

- The SS was stronger and had a 50-ton rating, while the DS had only a 40-ton rating.

- While a lot of SS cars made it to the diesel era, nearly all all-wood DS cars were gone by the end of the 30s (some DS cars rebuilt with steel sides were still around during WWII).

That last bullet is why I think I should have passed on the DS SSW I bought (need to do the research before I buy).  My layout time frame is 1949, so there would not have been any revenue all wood DS boxcars around at that time, plus the graphics are 1920s-ish.  I could sell it, but I think I will use it as a test bed for some heavy weathering.  I was thinking of repainting them as PRR MoW, but of the 25,000 DS cars built, none went to the PRR.

Some of you may think why worry about it, just have fun running it.  I guess I get my fun doing things with family.  The layout is the challenge I need to keep my brain active, from building the table, to the command control wiring, to the research to get it right for 1949.  Just need to do the research before I buy.


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  • DSC_0003
  • MCRR-NYC outside braced

Cappilot :  Thanks for the information on DS vs SS boxcars, like many I suppose I had never thought much about it but found your data really interesting especially setting the time frame when the car would have been operational.  Luckily for me, I have only one boxcar of this class and its a SS RF&P so as a SS it fits my time period (late 40's early 50's).  Well as they say..."better lucky than smart"  Thanks again for sharing your research.


Well I guess its time for me to share my boxcar for has finally become "winter" here in Central Texas with temperatures in the 30's this morning. was 82 degrees on Friday!  This is, to me, an interesting car made by Lionel (MPC) in 1987 and representing a short line, the "Lancaster and Chester-The Springmaid Line".  Clearly out of the time frame that I normally model so this one is just for fun, My wife's family has a long time connection to Lancaster so I got it in salute to her.

Lionel L&C Boxcar sideLionel L&C boxcar logo Lionel L&C boxcar quarter view

OBTW Rusty...thanks for the comment on the low mounted brake wheel.  What you said makes obvious sense and candidly I never noticed the absence of the roof walk.  1966 was the year I graduated from college, was commissioned a Lt in the AF, and got married...guess brake wheel location just didn't come up on my list of things to track !  (LOL). Thanks for your information, I really do like to know those details and only from knowledgeable folks like yourself do they get surfaced.

Best wishes



Images (3)
  • Lionel L&C Boxcar side
  • Lionel L&C boxcar logo
  • Lionel L&C boxcar quarter view
Last edited by Don McErlean

Well here it is BxCrSun right after Christmas and Santa delivered one to me this year.  I have been trying to collect the "I Love ....(insert state name)" boxcars for all the states we have lived in over my 51 year career, that number now stands at 8 different states and this Christmas I got number 4 out of the 8.  So here is the Lionel "I Love New Jersey" boxcar.  The # 19909 from 1990.

Lionel NJ box sideLionel NJ Box front quarterLionel NJ box rear quarter

Well here is wishing everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year!



Images (3)
  • Lionel NJ box side
  • Lionel NJ Box front quarter
  • Lionel NJ box rear quarter

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