I have to finalize some design for my crossing over the canyon on my RR. I have waffled for years between a 8' double track truss bridge design. Today I started cutting the existing bridge road deck smaller to finalize what it might look like. I placed a stick under it for temporary support until I decide to finish it or replace it. The only support is the near edge you see and the back edge was just cut off as the deck was oversized. I had planned to add strips of plywood underneath and a regular truss type bridge for support.
I kind of like the old RR bridge design that goes over the Niagara Falls gorge.
The problems for me is that we store stuff on the other side of this gorge like chairs, etc., and the house sub breaker panel is on the other side as well. So we need access and I don't wish to have to constantly repair whatever I come up with. I had planned to just use a bridge design that used gravel on the roadbed for speed and ease of the build. As I'm going to all the trouble of building some mammoth mountains, I may as well go overboard on the bridge as well?
Here's the area I'm describing:
So an over the top type regular truss bridge or an underneath one? I can't make up my mind.
The G scale tracks underneath were added later and not part of the original plan. So they need to look the part as well some day.
So if I build a traditional all steel bridge, I started playing with the track supports to get a good looking bridge. I'm modifying the Atlas 2 rail track for a better look if there's no ballast.
The top pic would be an older design that has timbers running parallel to the rails.
The bottom pic is to just get an idea of what it would look like if I just plopped the rails on the supports.
Before anyone says it, I have 3 sections of the Atlas bridge tracks that are 40" long. I would need three more of them and I don't wish to spend that much here.