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I have just roughed out the layout of the AH&N top layer.  I will be installing and wiring the top level  track next week and starting landscaping the following week.  I am new to landscaping my strengths being more on the electrical side having done that all my life as a electronic trainer and industrial controls guy.  An artist I am not.  I am also not sure where the best place on this forum is to put information concerning my layout.  Pictures, descriptions etc. 


I know I really have enjoyed and appreciated the text, pictures and videos that so many generous people have posted on the web concerning O gauge.


Anyhow I am soliciting help on thoughts for creating mountains.  I have seen numerous methods, and am leaning towards using spray foam on wire mesh or 2 inch foam built up in layers.

I will be building rolling mountains for the Appalachians and Jagged peaks for the Rockies.


Any thoughts will be much appreciated.







Rough Top Level Layout 1

Rough Top Level Layout 2

Rough Top Level Layout 3Mike....I fixed your post so that the pictures showed up within the body.  If folks will click on them, they will get a larger view....


Last edited by OGR CEO-PUBLISHER
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Hi Mike,

The scenery and structures forum is where the scenery wizards post their examples and suggestions. I'd search there first.


If you are a recent member you can find the scenery and structures forum by clicking on forums in the line below the forum ads, then clicking on layout forums, then scenery and structures. If you search within that forum you should find the information you need.


I used the 2 inch foam built up in layers, painted it and added lichen and a few trees, but there are many different methods that provide great results.










Images (2)
  • IMG_0993: 2 inch foam layers
  • IMG_1018: completed mountain
Last edited by Trainfun
On 2/28/2015 7:46
PM, O Gauge
Railroading On Line
Forum wrote:

Thanks for pointing
me to the other
area, and relaying
your method.

> Reply By Trainfun:
> Building Mountains
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> [Trainfun]
> Hi Mike,
> The scenery and
> structures forum
> is where the
> scenery wizards
> post their
> examples and
> suggestions. I'd
> search there
> first.
> If you are a
> recent member you
> can find the
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> ads, then clicking
> on layout forums,
> then scenery and
> structures. If you
> search within that
> forum you should
> find the
> information you
> need.
> I used the 2 inch
> foam built up in
> layers, painted it
> and added lichen
> and a few trees,
> but there are many
> different methods
> that provide great
> results.
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On 2/28/2015 7:53
PM, O Gauge
Railroading On Line
Forum wrote:

Thanks for the heads
up. I just shot
them with my phone
and uploaded. I
never considered the
size. I will resize
them and reupload.

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> [AMCDave]
> Cool
> project.......plez
> make your photos
> at least 800 wide
> so we can see
> them!!!! Thanks
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Originally Posted by johnstrains:


Call me old school but I've had a great success with the cardboard strips/crumpled newspaper /plaster cloth method. I used that on my postwar style Lionel Dealer Display layout with good results.


Good tutorial on that method by Jim Barrett in one of the older issues of OGR Mag.


Me too. Cardboard strips/plaster cloth.
On 3/1/2015 10:28
AM, O Gauge
Railroading On Line
Forum wrote:
Ya know I've been
considering that.
Then I would not
have to buy or make
a foam cutter.

> Reply By radar493:
> Building Mountains
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> [radar493]
> Originally Posted
> by johnstrains:
> Call me old school
> but I've had a
> great success with
> the cardboard
> strips/crumpled
> newspaper /plaster
> cloth method. I
> used that on my
> postwar style
> Lionel Dealer
> Display layout
> with good results.
> Good tutorial on
> that method by Jim
> Barrett in one of
> the older issues
> of OGR Mag.
> Me too. Cardboard
> strips/plaster
> cloth.
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     Mike my layout is an (L) shape that is 19' at the bottom of the (L) and 24' at the upper part of the (L). The bottom of the (L) I am using celling tile for the hill between the upper and lower level. Between the 2 corners of the (L) I am using blue foam board and for the upper part of the (L) I am using news paper and plaster cloth with rocks from rock molds. That way when / hopefully if people come to see the layout they can decide witch style of hillside they like and if they are going to build A layout they can compare the different styles to help to decide witch style they might want to use. Choo Choo Kenny



I have used many approaches over the past 40++ years to make mountains. For my current and largest layout I used several methods to create the 'frame' for the mountains, terrain, etc., and ended up liking the insulation foam (I used pink) in 1" and 2" thickness best.


Regardless of the frame or inner structure, the absolute best cover was the plaster impregnated sheets. I bought a roll (a box) of about 400 feet, and they worked great. Use a large container of water, precut several sheet from the roll, dip a sheet in the water for a few seconds, let it drip for a second or so over the container before putting it over the 'frame' and smooth out the plaster with your hand(*). I could no believe how much easier and best yet - no mess - these sheets were to use than the traditional mix-the-plaster + soak-the-paper-towel, apply. 


Do wear vinyl (or similar) gloves when smoothing out the impregnated plaster sheets, and you will have practically no cleaning up to do.


Here is what I used:

Plaster Craft Strip


Good luck!



Last edited by Ingeniero No1
On 3/1/2015 11:15
AM, O Gauge
Railroading On Line
Forum wrote:
Hey that sounds
You don't happen to
have any pictures of
your layout posted
by any chance.

> Reply By Choo Choo
> kenny: Building
> Mountains
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> Reply By: Choo
> Choo kenny
> <>
> In: Layout
> Building Forums
> <>
> / Track Plans and
> Layout Design
> <>
> [Choo Choo kenny]
> Mike my
> layout is an (L)
> shape that is 19'
> at the bottom of
> the (L) and 24' at
> the upper part of
> the (L). The
> bottom of the (L)
> I am using celling
> tile for the hill
> between the upper
> and lower level.
> Between the 2
> corners of the (L)
> I am using
> blue foam board
> and for the upper
> part of the (L) I
> am using news
> paper and plaster
> cloth with rocks
> from rock molds.
> That way when /
> hopefully if
> people come to see
> the layout they
> can decide witch
> style of hillside
> they like and if
> they are going to
> build A layout
> they can compare
> the different
> styles to help to
> decide witch style
> they might want to
> use. Choo Choo
> Kenny
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  If you have not seen my videos, you should take a look.  They are loaded with information for building a layout especially when it comes to mountain construction.  The three videos cover almost every construction technique on how I built my layout.  You don't need to be an artist or a professional to do it.  Many people have commented that it was much easier than they thought after watching the videos.  You can go here to see the previews I offer a special price only available on this forum by clicking this link -> DVD special.  Have fun!












Images (7)
  • mtns1
  • mtns4
  • mtns5
  • mtns6
  • Decapods
  • ctt15
  • OGR4



Rich Battista's video's are an excellent tutorial.  He uses a few unique methods that I did not see until I watch his video's.  The use of crumpled brown construction paper gives you a great idea on how your mountain is going to look before committing to plaster.  It is easy to adjust and fairly easy to install.


His first video is probably the best in describing his scenery methods though 2 and 3 do give some additional info.


Happy Railroading,



On 3/3/2015 10:10
AM, O Gauge
Railroading On Line
Forum wrote:

Hi Ed,

Thanks very much for
the feedback on the
video. I look
forward to getting
I have been very
busy the last couple
of months building
my AH&N layout.
Finished laying
track on the lower
level and have cut
and preplaced the
upper level.

Today we are doing
access pop ups and
hope to be done the
top track screw down
by the end of the
week, then wiring.
I hope to be
building mouintains
next week, and have
ordered some
embedded plaster
sheets that were
highly recommended
by a OGR member and
much appreciated, as
I I do all of the
generous and useful
comments that I have
My computer is right
next to my layout so
it makes a great
source as I go

Best Regards and


> Reply By
> metjetnrailfan:
> Building Mountains
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> Reply By:
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> <>
> In: Layout
> Building Forums
> <>
> / Scenery and
> Structures
> <>
> [metjetnrailfan]
> Mike,
> Rich Battista's
> video's are an
> excellent
> tutorial. He uses
> a few unique
> methods that I did
> not see until I
> watch his
> video's. The use
> of crumpled brown
> construction paper
> gives you a great
> idea on how your
> mountain is going
> to look before
> committing to
> plaster. It is
> easy to adjust and
> fairly easy to
> install.
> His first video is
> probably the best
> in describing his
> scenery methods
> though 2 and 3 do
> give some
> additional info.
> Happy Railroading,
> Ed
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To Brooksmj,

      Building mountains is a great way to exercise your mind and improve you skills! You can change your thinking part way through the project, and the results will still be fantastic. REMEBER THIS  " nature abhors a straight line" . Rarely is anything parallel, straight or organized. Any strata, rock, soil or other type of surface can and does appear in nature. Just look around you and be astounded with the templates in front of you!

   I have used ply-wood, screenwire insulating foam, plaster,newspaper, you name it. All with wonderful results. An important point is to use very "flat" paints. Rarely is landscaping "shiny". Here are a couple examples of what can be done. Enjoy! Clifford



factiry 2015 a

TRAIN 3115 013

TRAIN 3115 020




Images (7)
  • DSCF2900
  • DSCF2894
  • factiry 2015 a
  • TRAIN 3115 013
  • TRAIN 3115 020
  • 029
  • 031
Trainfun what did use to make that lok like a mountain of trees?
Originally Posted by Trainfun:

Hi Mike,

The scenery and structures forum is where the scenery wizards post their examples and suggestions. I'd search there first.


If you are a recent member you can find the scenery and structures forum by clicking on forums in the line below the forum ads, then clicking on layout forums, then scenery and structures. If you search within that forum you should find the information you need.


I used the 2 inch foam built up in layers, painted it and added lichen and a few trees, but there are many different methods that provide great results.











I smoothed the foam, caulked the gaps and painted it with latex paint. The "trees" are just lichen glued on with Elmers white glue. I still have some finishing to do including painting the upper part above the "tree line" a light gray, adding some turf there, etc.


I got the lichen at Michaels using the 40 and 50% off coupons, but it requires removal of sticks, small twigs, etc. Lichen from a hobby supplier would be much cleaner, easier to work with, and much less time consuming.

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