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Mark Boyce posted:


The Pan Am cars really look great!  What engine are you going to use to pull them

Please don't force me to buy the Pan Am F7's.   Last night I used the NS SD-60 Veterans just to give them a look see on the move.  The LED lighting is nice.  I'm now looking to buy the Pan Am Silver 2 car set.  MTH is sold out.

Last edited by decoynh
TomlinsonRunRR posted:
Mark Boyce posted:


The Pan Am cars really look great!  What engine are you going to use to pull them

They do look great, don't they?  But does Pam Am really have passenger cars like this stashed away somewhere in Billerica or are these a fantasy issue?  Maybe something leftover from the B&M, Maine, or prior Guilford lines?  Regardless, it's an attractive set.

Tomlinson Run Railroad

I'm not sure if there are Blue cars out there.  I was told Saturday that there are and there was a Pan Am cars excursion in Maine last summer.  I bought them because they are local to me (NH) and the blue color is cool.  I see Pan Am boxcars all the time at the Rte 107 RR crossing here in East Kingston.

Matt Makens posted:

Garret, I need one of those Marines Flat cars, what is the item number?


I can get that info for you later tonight.  It's a LRRC item.  I set up a search on eBay for "LRRC flat Marines" for almost 18 months.  Items pop up every few months, but above what I wanted to pay.

The Army truck is pretty cool, it's an OD green fuel tanker


   Oh ya, would like to add that Marine Flat Car, with load to my Military Train, please advise us where to contact for purchase!  Would be a serious addition to my layout.  Definitely want the US Army one also.  Please post the contact point!


   I did pick up an original Lionel Orange Track cleaning Car from one of the forum members, just recently, will see how she works at Christmas time.


Last edited by Pine Creek Railroad

I bought 2 of these Menards flat with Coast Guard helo.  One for me and one for my 6 y.o. nephew.  Both of his parents were in the Coast Guard.  He is going to flip when it arrives as a Christmas gift.  The picture does not do it justice.  It is pretty big.  I don't know the exact length right now, but it is longer than 12in.  The finish quality is impressive.  I could go for an entire line of military themed helos on flat cars.   The price is great.  I believe Menards offers the best value in interesting O gauge cars

Menards Coast Guard helo


Images (1)
  • Menards Coast Guard helo

In case you didn't see these photos in Weekend Photo Fun last weekend, I will post them here.

I  traded for this Weaver B&O P7d Cincinnatian with PS1 and two sets of MTH Premier 70' passenger cars decorated for the Cincinnatian.  I plan to upgrade the P7d to PS3.

2016-08-12 21.38.06

My friend who I traded with then sent me this photo of the prototype.

2016-08-25 20.01.58


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  • 2016-08-12 21.38.06
  • 2016-08-25 20.01.58

Picked up a LEGACY Pilot S2 6-8-6 for just a hair under $750 at Lantz's before they closed.  At that price I'm thinking of digging up the thread with the Polar Blue paint formula and making a fantasy "Polar & Ohio" livery to pull my PE heavyweights, among other things.  Livery colors would be mostly polar blue with gold and (of course) scarlet & grey accents.  Maybe. 



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  • WP_20160902_17_46_02_Pro
decoynh posted:
TomlinsonRunRR posted:
Mark Boyce posted:


The Pan Am cars really look great!  What engine are you going to use to pull them

They do look great, don't they?  But does Pam Am really have passenger cars like this stashed away somewhere in Billerica or are these a fantasy issue?  Maybe something leftover from the B&M, Maine, or prior Guilford lines?  Regardless, it's an attractive set.

Tomlinson Run Railroad

I'm not sure if there are Blue cars out there.  I was told Saturday that there are and there was a Pan Am cars excursion in Maine last summer.  I bought them because they are local to me (NH) and the blue color is cool.  I see Pan Am boxcars all the time at the Rte 107 RR crossing here in East Kingston.

Nice purchase.

I love the Pan Am F units and passenger cars...



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  • image
Michigan & Ohio Valley Lines posted:
decoynh posted:
TomlinsonRunRR posted:
Mark Boyce posted:


The Pan Am cars really look great!  What engine are you going to use to pull them

They do look great, don't they?  But does Pam Am really have passenger cars like this stashed away somewhere in Billerica or are these a fantasy issue?  Maybe something leftover from the B&M, Maine, or prior Guilford lines?  Regardless, it's an attractive set.

Tomlinson Run Railroad

I'm not sure if there are Blue cars out there.  I was told Saturday that there are and there was a Pan Am cars excursion in Maine last summer.  I bought them because they are local to me (NH) and the blue color is cool.  I see Pan Am boxcars all the time at the Rte 107 RR crossing here in East Kingston.

Nice purchase.

I love the Pan Am F units and passenger cars...


What a great picture!  I am weakening.  I wish that MTH used the old F series pricing.  $399 dealer selling price for an "A" unit is steep.  I do like the look.

Bought an MTH Premier Blue Comet w/ PS1 at the Cal-Stewart show back in march for $100, and while I was at the show I bought a BCR 1 to put in it. It had never been run so I was concerned. When I returned home I installed the BCR and fired it up. It ran like a Champ!! The best train deal I have ever made!! When I looked up the retail it was over $800. When I asked the local TCA member why so cheap it was given to him by a friend that owed him money. He was into G scale and not O scale, and was selling it.



Last edited by Trainlover160
Trainlover160 posted:

Out of all my pulling power, I have always leaned towards my Steamers. However, I am really loving the MTH ES44's with PS3. Just received my GE Demonstrator of the GE EVO in the Apple Green and Blue paint Scheme. Very nice Engine!!


I agree.  The ES44 is a looker and I have that demo unit you mention...very sharp.

Excellent deal on your Blue Comet.  Gotta love finding a bargain like that.  Enjoy!

Just scored this, something I've been hoping to find as MILW stuff marked WA state is very hard to find (I live within a short stroll of the abandoned MILW mainline to the Pacific beaches). The seller said his Dad yanked it out of a U-boat that had just come back form Lines West, very soon before the shutdown:

I also recently put these up, over the door as you exist the layout room. Most folks probably will never notice them.

The upper one is from a Department of Defense (DODX) depressed-center heavy flatcar that got scrapped*, with a 1976 date.
The lower is for a EMD GP38-2 that was delivered the same month I was born, so of course I had to have that plate as well...

*Here are some photos of that flat.

So today I picked up 2 boxcars and 2 hoppers. One of the boxcars and the two hoppers are N&W while the other is a yellow RailBox Boxcar by Lionel. Here are the pictures of the 4 cars: 

Here is the RailBox Boxcar: 

Image result for Lionel Rail Box boxcar

And here are the N&W cars:

Image result for Lionel N&W Blue boxcar

Image result for Lionel N&W 644625

Sadly, I can't find a picture of the last car but it is made by Atlas and the road number is 38158. 

I went to Portland (and ran over something along the way requiring a new tire, which I wasn't happy about) today and hit all the hobby shops in town, picked up a lot of detail and tree stuff.

When I got home, I had this waiting in a box, a pal of mine spotted it on a live steam forum. The MILW in WA state ran within sight of my back deck (just a gravel trail and people's front yards now). I couldn't resist this, as it's in great condition and still has the stuff in it. The guy I got it from said it was his Dad's, nabbed off a U-boat in the Midwest after a trip back from Lines West right before the shutdown...



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  • MILWfirstAid
Mark Boyce posted:

In case you didn't see these photos in Weekend Photo Fun last weekend, I will post them here.

I  traded for this Weaver B&O P7d Cincinnatian with PS1 and two sets of MTH Premier 70' passenger cars decorated for the Cincinnatian.  I plan to upgrade the P7d to PS3.

2016-08-12 21.38.06

My friend who I traded with then sent me this photo of the prototype.

2016-08-25 20.01.58

Very nice Mark. I had a chance to get this engine  from 3rd Rail when they were offered eariler ( they got in a small production) but went for the Train of Tomorrow instead; would like to have had  both of them.

That's a beauty!

Last edited by daylight
daylight posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

In case you didn't see these photos in Weekend Photo Fun last weekend, I will post them here.

I  traded for this Weaver B&O P7d Cincinnatian with PS1 and two sets of MTH Premier 70' passenger cars decorated for the Cincinnatian.  I plan to upgrade the P7d to PS3.

2016-08-12 21.38.06

My friend who I traded with then sent me this photo of the prototype.

2016-08-25 20.01.58

Very nice Mark. I had a chance to get this engine  from 3rd Rail when they were offered eariler ( they got in a small production) but went for the Train of Tomorrow instead; would like to have had  both of them.

That's a beauty!

Thank you very much!  Train of Tomorrow was a good choice!  We can't have everything.

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