Mr. Muffin stated in his custom run video that 40 is the minimum order quantity for a Legacy engine and 100 for cars. He also said he will go ahead with a custom run engine if he receives 20 pre-orders but less than that means he will not proceed with it.
As for the Fezziwig railroad, I suspect there weren’t any additional items for it since the three cars and the bobber caboose are still available from a few dealers. Might be additional items in the 2025 or 2026 volume 1 catalogs but I think the odds are stacked against it.
I went through the catalog today to make a list (spreadsheet actually) of possible purchases. I limited myself to a maximum of 25 items in an attempt to keep the list realistic. I ended up with 23 items from the catalog but had to eliminate 1 catalog item (Ichabod Crane car) to include three custom run items from MrMuffinsTrains. Now there is no chance all of these items will be purchased as total MSRP exceeds $12k. The list includes three Legacy Berkshire engines, however buying more than one is very doubtful. While it is unlikely that a dealer would be able to offer a custom run 765 NKP Legacy Berkshire without a mars light, if someone announces one, I’m in trouble.
There are far too many Polar Express and Christmas themed items on the list. Deciding which PE/Christmas items will make the cut could get quite challenging. A scale PE Berkshire is on the list but no scale PE cars, which should make it easy to eliminate but scale cars seem to always be available, engines, not so much. Since I have a 15 Anniversary PE set and several add-on cars, I don’t have much reason to buy the 20 Anniversary set or the LionChief 2.0 Berkshire engines, yep both are on the list at this point.
There are six Legacy GP9 engines, including the NKP custom run that will need to be whittled down to one or two.
It has been a while since a catalog release has required this sort of effort to plan possible purchases. I am enjoying the process.