I’m past the halfway point of upgrading a friend’s Lionel Camelback from 2000 to ERR Cruise, fan driven smoke, Super Chuffer, and Chuff Generator.
I’m awaiting the new smoke unit, but in the meantime, I’ve already added and tested the Cruise M module. Works much better with the 100 speed steps.
I’ve begun to add the Super Chuffer 2 and Chuff Generator to it. I’ve wired the necessary sources to the right points (hot lead to the H1 square outlet, of course), but when it came time to set the chuff settings the red light on the Chuff Generator didn’t come on. Neither when I spun the flywheel with the tech tape nor when I connected the jumper wire to the two J1 points.
I don’t know where it’s not going right. The only one I can think of is the Chuff lead isn’t on the correct solder point where the old cherry switch used to go to on the LCRU. Either that or the soldered points aren’t soldered securely...