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I have 2 nice groups of aerials that are flyovers of the shoreline - what looks like west to east.

Has to be from the west side all the way downtown - but right along the shore.

Those are huge - like 24 X 30 - bound book.  Pretty sure these are pre-stadium.

Another 8X12 bound group is also aerial but downtown - but lots of train stuff. These are also pre-stadium.

The one above is a stray 8x10. 

I'll try to pick a few choice shots and post later.

Last edited by Former Member

nice history here, I grew up near Cleveland about a mile from both the New York Central water level route and the Nickel Plate. Watched all kinds of trains in the 80s, mostly Conrail and what was left of Chessie System.

My dad worked for Republic Steel so we would often go down to the port in Lorain and watch switchers there in the steel mill yards. If the aerial photos you have extend inland along the Cuyahoga river it should lead to the Republic Steel mill in Cleveland. Lots of rail activity in that area.

Wyhog posted:

That is definitely the NYC Collinwood yard. The overpass is 152nd street. The 'T" intersection just above-left of the roundhouse, the going-away angled street at middle right, the lake shore; all line up with current views.

I can confirm its Collingwood..... the coaling tower  is/was at the bottom of the picture out of view

Überstationmeister posted:
Brandy posted:

Where is the Old Roundhouse where they are doing the overhaul on the Old Reading 4-8-4 engine ? I couldn't find it on Google Earth, and thought it was at the old Collinwood Yard....The Roundhouse is history.... !

The B&O Roundhouse (Midwest Preservation) is next to the steel mill on West 3rd.

Thanks and I found it on Google Earth. Very massive Industrial Area through that region....!

I remember seeing the old Coal Shute at the Collinwood Yard Engine Terminal, some years ago, but don't see it on G-Earth, guess it must have been torn down....?


Last edited by Brandy
Hot Water posted:
Brandy posted:
Hudson5432 posted:

The correct spelling of the name is "Collinwood".

Correction made Happy Now ?

Why the snippy response?

No Snippy response made. Remember you can't see body language in a text or post of some kind, and I think that is why people seem to have trouble with you sometimes Hot Water..Some folks have more Left Winger in them than others....Just Sayin !


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