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@nw1218 posted:

The engine I converted is a Southern Crescent steam engine.  The feature code should be 4 according to the instructions.

What bulb did you use for the TMCC conversion? …..are you sure you’re on the right pin for reverse lamp? … need to be on the right pin for lamp hot, and common when using incandescent lamps. ….if you used the stock MTH bulb in the tender, you more than likely blew it as soon as you powered it up….


The tender shell on this engine is diecast.  I am using the tender shell as the TMCC antenna.  The tender shell is isolated from the tender frame by kapton tape and vinyl screrws.  I tested the bulb and it is ok.  Does the tender frame being isolated from the track common have anything to do with the directional lights not working ?

@nw1218 posted:

The tender shell on this engine is diecast.  I am using the tender shell as the TMCC antenna.  The tender shell is isolated from the tender frame by kapton tape and vinyl screrws.  I tested the bulb and it is ok.  Does the tender frame being isolated from the track common have anything to do with the directional lights not working ?

Depends, …clearly, for the bulb to work, you need the hot from the commander, and either common from the commander or outside rail common ( frame ground ) where is your common for this bulb tied to? ….if it’s tied to the shell, but you’ve isolated the shell, it’s not common anymore…….verify your paths ….


The back up bulb is connected to the DC Commander on pins 5 and 6, pin 6 being common on the Commander.  I also have the tender marker lights connected to pin 7 (feature) and common 6.  The tender marker lights work with button 9 on the Cab-1.  The Commander shows pin 6 as common and pin 5 as rear light and pin 4 as front light.  I connected the bulb to pin 4 and pin 6 and it still did not light.  I am beginning to think there no power from the Commander to pins 4 and 5.

@nw1218 posted:

The back up bulb is connected to the DC Commander on pins 5 and 6, pin 6 being common on the Commander.  I also have the tender marker lights connected to pin 7 (feature) and common 6.  The tender marker lights work with button 9 on the Cab-1.  The Commander shows pin 6 as common and pin 5 as rear light and pin 4 as front light.  I connected the bulb to pin 4 and pin 6 and it still did not light.  I am beginning to think there no power from the Commander to pins 4 and 5.

Did you have front light working at one time? ……we still don’t know what you’re using for bulbs??……incandescent??……LED??…..


@nw1218 posted:

The back up bulb is connected to the DC Commander on pins 5 and 6, pin 6 being common on the Commander.  I also have the tender marker lights connected to pin 7 (feature) and common 6.  The tender marker lights work with button 9 on the Cab-1.  The Commander shows pin 6 as common and pin 5 as rear light and pin 4 as front light.  I connected the bulb to pin 4 and pin 6 and it still did not light.  I am beginning to think there no power from the Commander to pins 4 and 5.

If you connect your bulb between pins 5 & 6 on the DC Commander, that bulb should light when you're in reverse.  If the bulb is connected between pins 4 & 6 programmed for steam, it should always be on.

If it doesn't, and the bulb is good, the top suspect is the lighting triac on the R2LC.  If the light output was ever shorted to the frame, even momentarily, when it was illuminated, it will take out the triac.

You can stop looking for other causes if the above tests fail.

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