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I have a K-line Scale Pacific that started having issues.  It would only go full speed in command mode or with a conventional transformer it had to be powered up really high to get it to move and the sound worked.  I thought that the cruise board had died, so I purchased a Cruise Commander M from ERR by 3rd Rail.  They shipped it quick - very pleased - and I replaced the old board with it per the instructions.  I can get it move with a conventional transformer, but no sound, and it'll creep.  In command mode I cannot get a response with sound in PROGRAM and if you put it in RUN and place it back on the rails it will fly off the rails.  I am I missing a step?  Anybody else have this issue?  

This K-Line Pacific is my favorite locomotive to run and I don't want it to become a paperweight!  Any help/suggestions would be much appreciated!  


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GGG - It came original with the K-Line Cruise board.  I don't think that the serial data is connected correctly.  The instruction manual for the Cruise Commander M on the 3rd Rail website has a K-Line Allegheny as the example.  The original wiring that was in the locomotive did not have a serial data wire nut (the were only 2 wire nuts - the hot line wire nut and the wire nut for the antenna).  There was a wire that went to from the R2LC board and it had a connector on the former old cruise board that went to the tether.  I assumed it was the serial data line. 

The 5 pin wire harness that is on my locomotive has 4 wires coming from it and in the example, it has what looks to be 3 wires. 

The example shows that the pin closest to the edge of the R2LC board is the serial data wire.  On my locomotive, it was the 2nd wire from the edge that went from the R2LC board to the original K-line Cruise board.  The other 3 wires coming from my R2LC all go to tether.   

What am I missing here?  It also looks like in the example that there is only one wire being used in the J4 connector on the Cruise Commander M board in pin 1.  

GGG your help is much appreciated!

I connected the wire from the cruise commander to pin 24 and it works!   It’ll creep again and I’m very pleased!  Thanks for your help GGG!   I have a K-Line E8 TMCC set that I’d love to put a cruise commander in.  I’ve asked in the past about it and received mixed answers.  Do you think it could handle the load of 4 motors?

Thanks Again!


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4 motors in one frame, or an AA?  I have not done it, but other have said they have.  I guess the question is how the Back EMF is sensed with 4 motors.  4 canned motors are not going to exceed the current of the CC.  Upgrade the Lead A and run it.  Add the other motors via a harness and test a AA combo.  See how it performs.  If your happy, add the rest of the wires to get coupler and RL on the Trail A.  G

I've had mixed results with trying to run four motors with the cruise boards.  Truthfully, the CC-M was less forgiving, I had better luck with the full Cruise Commander.  My problem was that the cruise performance really dropped off with the four motors, it didn't maintain constant speeds nearly as well as with two motors. 

Jon Z. had stated that at low speeds the Cruise boards sense commutator transitions, perhaps with four motors it's harder to pick those up and the low speed cruise suffers.

Last edited by gunrunnerjohn

Well, I added a Cruise M to the E8s - much quicker install this time with no hiccups, unlike the Pacific.  So far they are running like champs.  They'll run slow now and maintain that speed.  They aren't erratic anymore with their speed like before having to constantly keep my hand on the throttle.  I am very pleased!  Thanks for all the help and suggestions!


Videos (1)
KLine E8 ERR Upgrade

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