I have two Precision Craft Model sets of the Santa Fe A-B F3's, The two sets are identical, each contain an A-unit 17C and a B-unit 17B. For what is it worth, I believe that PCM was a branch of BLI at one time. I want to consists the two sets to run back-to-back giving me a nice A-B-B-A consist. for my El Capitan. I gave one set an address of 17 the other 117.
My problem is that one set (#17) has 14 speed steps and the other has 128. The only CV's mentioned in the user manual are listed below along with the current CV values that I have entered. As you can see, both sets match.
#17 #117
CV1 17 117
CV2 2 2
CV3 8 8
CV4 10 10
CV5 42 42
CV6 20 20
CV13 64 64
CV17 192 192
CV18 0 0
CV29 2 2 For this CV I have tried 0, 2, 4 and 6 with NO Change.
CV49 19 19
CV50 2 2
CV51 2 2
CV63 16 16
CV121 58 58
Are there other CV's that alter the speed steps that are not listed?