Hi Barry,
You where so much help last year and now I am back and I am having problems again getting my system working again.
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Hi Barry,
You where so much help last year and now I am back and I am having problems again getting my system working again.
Replies sorted oldest to newest
2 parts
First is remote tiu communications . Are threy talking to each other. Press the read to find out. (bottom left on remote.) You should get the message TIU found. If the remote & tiu are not communicating nothing works period.
Second part .Hook up fixed 1 to a small test track and see if you can find a engine or add a engine.. You haven't give us much to work with , what kind of problem?
I am having problems again getting my system working again.
It would be very helpful if you could provide some details.
Great to hear from you I knew I could count on you. I couldn't get the TIU to show it was connected, I did the imputs to the variable and the red light lights up. Once I get that fixed then maybe I can add engine?
First, connect the transformer to Fixed #1 Input, transformer Hot to TIU red post and transformer Common to TIU black post.
Next, connect Fixed #1 Output red post to the track center rail and Fixed #1 black post to the track outside rail.
Now, try to Startup and run the engine.
I got message TIU address 1 not found
Turn off power to the TIU so that the red LED goes out. Then, turn power back on and count how many times the red LED blinks before it comes on solid. Report back and let us know.
3 times
OK, make sure that the TIU is powered on and do this:
That should get you squared away.
Now it blinks 4 times???? Did I do something wrong?
It says TIU address #2 not found???
I have no idea what you did. Let's take this 1 step at time:
Then, try to operate the engine.
Now it reads #1 is connected
I tried to add engine and it cant find it?
Ross, are we sure the remote and tiu are Communicating with each other?.... Try the "read again (bottom left on the dcs remote) and give us the exact wording ...
read says found #1 track but no cars
It also says engine not on track but I checked all the wheels and there ok???
It says no engine to add??
The "read finding tiu #1 is a good thing.. (if you note when powering up the tiu it blinks once) Now for the other problem.. can't find engines or no engine to add.
Here's what I would do. It sounds like you maybe only set up around Christmas time so hopefully you don't have a ton of stuff entered into the remote.
Reset the remote, This will clear out all your engines and let you start from scratch over again. Tiu #1 will still be there by default. Once you reset the remote try adding one engine with nothing else on the track.
Remote reset.... Menu/System/ remote set up/ reset remote.... It will turn off. Start it up again and try the "read" again just to make sure the remote & tiu are still communicating with each other.
Now try and add a engine using fixed 1. Cross your fingers for good luck.
I tried it no luck
We're kind of running out of suggestions.... We need to know how the engine reacts when you first power up the layout, Does it stay dark & silent or Light up with engine sounds?
Wait a minute...The red from the tiu output must go to the center rail.....That one gets a few of us.
The center rail is to the red, nothing happens when power up no light nothing
I got the bell and the hissing going but still wont connect the engine
Ross Gerami posted:The center rail is to the red, nothing happens when power up no light nothing
This is good, Try adding a different engine if you haven't already, Did you reset the remote?
Next would be trying a different channel, fixed 2 is the easiest.
.. The tiu needs still needs power to fixed 1 to turn on (function) so you would have to jumper fixed 1 (both red & black) over to fixed 2 on the input side and then fixed 2 out to the track... Maybe you could use a small test track until this gets sorted out...
Besides the Purchase of Barry's DCS O Gauge Companion Vol 3, pick up a copy of the OGR Video Guide to DCS, a great visual learning experience for the novice DCS Runner. Rich Melvin does a great job on film with exactly how to set up and start using your DCS. You can then re-watch it any time you need to refresh your basic knowledge about DCS set up and start up. I highly recommend the OGR Video Guide to DCS, a great educational Video for the money expended. I believe with this knowledge you will eliminate all your continuing start up problems Ross.
Ross, are you saying it was working fine before and now it's not working? Have you checked your power supply voltage? Is it 18 volts at the TIU Fixed Input #1?
Tried to check out the archives but Ross's posts don't go back far enough. However it seems one of his engines is set up for 2 rail (no pick up rollers) and whether he & Barry (found the problem) got that straighten out. I don't know. Hope you get things fixed Ross. Over & out (maybe)
Your right it is a 2 rail Chapelon 2-3-1e Item # 20-3388-2
Still cant add engine it does have 2 rollers at it
I have 3 rail Realtrak that they sold me last year is that bad or should I have 2 rail track? I was thinking of selling this train and buying another freight Locomotive
any recommendations?
Your right it is a 2 rail Chapelon 2-3-1e Item # 20-3388-2
OK, I remember this one.
Are you on 3-Rail track or 2-Rail track? You must set the 2-Rail/3-Rail switch correctly for the track that you're using.
I am on a 3 rail track, where is the switch?
I can hear the engine noises but cant add train
I can hear the engine noises but cant add train
Two questions:
The switch should be discussed in the engine's instruction manual (which is not currently downloadable from MTH's web site). My guess is that it's on the underside of the engine, on the bottom of the tender, or under a hatch cover on the tender.
I shorted out the TIU and now the red light went out, doesn't look good, now what?
I had to fix one of those contacts on the tender would that have made a difference?
Hi Ross ,From The archives it looks like you have a MTH brick powering the TIU.... Take a look at the brick and hopefully there's a circuit breaker that has opened. Press the button to reset.
If that fails there are 4 fuses inside the tiu . One for each channel.... You have to open the tiu to change them. If you feel uncomfortable opening the tiu don't do it. Are you close to a hobby shop? It may be time for a visit.... Seems have a beautiful 2 rail engine with sharp flanges running on 3 rail track and that's if you can get it added and started up.
Do you another power supply besides the brick? maybe we can put it to use with another channel( fixed 2) and use the MTH brick to power the tiu via the aux power supply.
Things are obviously not going well. Be nice to get it running for Christmas though
Is there anything missing from this pic on the tender?
Thanks I did open the TIU and seen the 4 fuses and I noticed one was black in the center, I will go to Hobbytown and get a new fuse.
thanks for the help
Good luck Ross... Is it possible to take the whole works to hobby town? Are they familiar with dcs?
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