Carl, I think the Dome lighting is adequate considering wiring lights in the Dome Roof would be bulky and not be realistic. When traveling at night, bright lights in the Dome would obstruct the view through the windows. That is why I never drive at night with my car Dome light on. The light spilling through the openings in the Dome Floor are similar to low light aisle lights in a theater.
Mark, When I start a set of passengers, sometimes I get tired of the project and stop. Your following my work keeps me working and pushing myself to make progress.
Quarter Gauger 48, The tray of people pictured is a supply of similar figures that were made in China and are no longer available. My different sources for Preiser 65602 Unpainted Seated People cannot get them at this time. I am hopeful that Preiser will make more. The current painted China figures have a very hard coated paint on them that cannot be removed. One figure from China has the clothing painted across the face and then a circle of flesh painted on top of the clothes. So much paint is used that eye sockets and noses disappear into the mass of layers of paint. I emailed the Chinese Ebay Seller and the unpainted blanks pictured are no longer available. I did buy a set of six Preiser Adults with Babies on Ebay for $55.00 plus shipping. That makes each person over $10.00 each. That is why I buy the 24 Preiser 65602 blanks for $38.00 and paint my own people. When I paint my own people, I can put them in a variety of colored clothing.
Forward Progress: I was able to put people in the Dome of the Great Northern "Empire Builder" #1324 Dome Coach while watching football today. Here are a few pictures.
Sincerely, John Rowlen