Looking for contact to Electric Norm for parts.
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Last contact information I have is:
I haven't tried these. They were given to me this last winter from a seller of an engine I bought
Let us know if any works
The last I heard was he went out of business when his trailer got broken into and all his parts was stolen in a motel parking lot.
@Chuck Sartor posted:The last I heard was he went out of business when his trailer got broken into and all his parts was stolen in a motel parking lot.
The cops got their parts back: Electric Norman's Back In Business (Pic added) | O Gauge Railroading On Line Forum (ogaugerr.com)
I was standing behind Norman while checking into a hotel for a convention. He was using his business credit card. I heard the clerk ask him "What kind of a mother would name her son electric "?
"What kind of a mother would name her son electric "?
The answer is "She thought he looked bright."