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I built a layout using MTH Realtrax with 6 switches and 1 45 degree crossover. It is approx. 6x12. I am using a z4000 for power, and track power for the switches. My problems are:

When I power up the layout with no cars or engines on the track,  no switch lanterns  light.

When I put cars and an engine some switches light and operate while others are dead. The train will run and then stop down the line. When I check the connections I can't find the fault. 

Any help is appreciated.


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Hello Denis,

Got a couple of questions:

1) how many lock-ons are you using to power your layout?

2) do all of the switch tracks have the jumper installed to allow track power to run the switch motor?

When running your switches with track power it is possible with realtrax that only one outside rail may be getting power which also maybe the same rail that is used for the auto derail switch.  Notice how the the two turn out sections of the switch are missing track connections.

I'm not a big fan of running switches on track power. Beings that you have a z4000, I'd run the switch on the 14 Volt accessory power so that they are always fully powered even when the track voltage is low for slower operation.  You would need to remove the jumper connection on each switch and run some extra wire to each switch to the 14 volt connection on the z4000.

Also, your switches can also act as lockons! The common connection is shared between the switch motor and the outside rail. There is separate hot connections for the Center rail and the switch motor. You can provide track power via the track connection, switch power via the switch power connection, and common power to both using the common connection.

Things to consider.  Feed the track on either side of any switch or crossing.  Either use a bonding jumper between the outside rails or alternate the feeders to opposite sides of the track to effectively jump the outside rails. 

Never use track power to operate turnouts.

If you are new to model RRing the word turnout refers to the entire unit commonly called a switch.  The pair of small tapered pieces of rail that determine which way  train is to travel are the points and are the "switch" portion of the turnout, they switch to train's route.


   Having been down the RealTrax Engineering lane, I have found that RealTrax Switches are unreliable for constant running, especially if you plan on using all the different manufactures Engines and Rolling stock.   I also recommend only using the Solid RealTrax Track for best running results.  I do use RealTrax for my inner most ovals, if I want to use Switches with my RealTrax, I transition in and out of Lionel FasTrack Command Control Switches, which can be operated correctly on track power from the Legacy HHRC, up to 99 of them in fact.  The Z4K works well with this engineering layout.   If you are planning on keeping your RealTrax Switches, which IMO is a big mistake, definitely do not run them off Track Power.

Merry Christmas,




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Last edited by Pine Creek Railroad

Thanks to All

H1000, Tom-Tee, PCRR/Dave

1. I have only lock-on.

2. All switch tracks have the jumper in. I will wire them to use fixed voltage from the 14 volt terminal of the z 4000.

3. I will add additional lock-on's alternating sides. I did not realize that Realtrax outside rails are not connected like tubular track.

4. I do not understand how switches can be used as a lock-on. I will re-read the instructions.

Thanks again

dennis32 posted:

4. I do not understand how switches can be used as a lock-on. I will re-read the instructions.

Thanks again

This info isn't included in the instructions. The jumper that you remove ties the hot lead of the center rail to the hot lead of the switch motor. With the jumper removed the center rail connection is now isolated from the Switch motor. You can run a a wire from the Variable output of the z4000 that is already going to your one lockon to this terminal on the switch and power the track from the switch.

It's just the way my switch is on the layout. Follow the MTH diagram I modified to show where you would connect the Variable tack power.

That diagram was copied directly from the MTH instruction manual.

Again, The jumper connector electrically connects the HOT power from the Center Rail to the Switch Motor. When you remove this Jumper, the Switch Motor will now be able to supplied by a separate accessory power source. In you your case, you can use the 14 Volt HOT connection on the Z4000. 

Now, the other connection that is no longer in use by the jumper is a direct connection to the Center Rail of your track. This connection can now be used to supply power to the center rail of the track. Connect this to the Variable Track output on your Z4000.

Don't worry about the common connection too much. The Common (Black Terminals) on your Z4000 are all electrically connected at the transformer.  As long as you have the common terminal connected from your switch to any black terminal on your Z4000.


The 1st generations of RealTrax were produced with full solid  Silver Nickel rails,  it was great stuff.  Everything there after MTH produced with hollow rails, making a great deal of difference in the quality of the track.  My Tin Plate Trains run like glass on my 1st generation MTH RealTrax ovals.




Last edited by Pine Creek Railroad

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