Hello Denis,
Got a couple of questions:
1) how many lock-ons are you using to power your layout?
2) do all of the switch tracks have the jumper installed to allow track power to run the switch motor?
When running your switches with track power it is possible with realtrax that only one outside rail may be getting power which also maybe the same rail that is used for the auto derail switch. Notice how the the two turn out sections of the switch are missing track connections.
I'm not a big fan of running switches on track power. Beings that you have a z4000, I'd run the switch on the 14 Volt accessory power so that they are always fully powered even when the track voltage is low for slower operation. You would need to remove the jumper connection on each switch and run some extra wire to each switch to the 14 volt connection on the z4000.
Also, your switches can also act as lockons! The common connection is shared between the switch motor and the outside rail. There is separate hot connections for the Center rail and the switch motor. You can provide track power via the track connection, switch power via the switch power connection, and common power to both using the common connection.