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Originally Posted by david1:

Why is it whenever a mfg. announces a new product or new features people have to denigrate what they are trying to do? 

Well, within the context of the proposed features, you can't deny that there's a certain degree of credibility to the immortal words of Scotty the engineer of Star Trek, who once said:


"The more they overthink the plumbing, the easier it is to stop up the drain."


Sometimes those types of sentiments arise from past experiences.  It's not always about dealing in abstracts; it can also be about probabilities.

Originally Posted by CSX Al:
Originally Posted by NYC Z-MAN:

I placed my order for one each of 4005 & 4006. I have also ordered two 4012's. One to run and one for display in my office.

So Jim, how does the Mrs think of your 9K budget for Big Boys?

You know Al, that engine would look real good on a turntable that looked like this (cough, cough):



Pete (cough)

Ok gents and ladies,

i missed the last offering of the big boy bc I didn't have a layout that could handle the greatness.     However, ow I have RCS. 33"  turntable and 0-96 double main line with 0-72 curves for the rest of the layout.    i believe I can handle it now??   this would be my first large loco in my collections, such as it is.

joe in buffalo

Originally Posted by Norton:
Originally Posted by CSX Al:
Originally Posted by NYC Z-MAN:

I placed my order for one each of 4005 & 4006. I have also ordered two 4012's. One to run and one for display in my office.

So Jim, how does the Mrs think of your 9K budget for Big Boys?

You know Al, that engine would look real good on a turntable that looked like this (cough, cough):



Pete (cough)


Originally Posted by cbojanower:

That's a good question Al, how do these fit on your turntables?  Not sure if I want the prototypical 3 ft overhang on each end that they had in Cheyenne

Well guys, the answer is yes. Chris the BB will fit with no problems with overhang.


Pete, cough, cough, the UP arch will be next on my plate. I just received the new revised prototype testing board for the LTAC system and the added features are great! Once this stuff gets finalized onto the UP arch! I know you will be first in line for ordering your new turntable.

After my wife seen the BB at York she said that I need to get both of my daughters a BB. So after I received the email from Charles Ro I ordered the 4012 & 4014. Five minutes after I received Charles Ro announcement I got another email from them that 4 boxes were on their way to me. They came today, 4 of the remote sets.


After receiving those sets I got another email from them 2 more boxes coming. I can really tell that Christmas is on it's way.


Originally Posted by paulp:

After my wife seen the BB at York she said that I need to get both of my daughters a BB. So after I received the email from Charles Ro I ordered the 4012 & 4014. Five minutes after I received Charles Ro announcement I got another email from them that 4 boxes were on their way to me. They came today, 4 of the remote sets.


After receiving those sets I got another email from them 2 more boxes coming. I can really tell that Christmas is on it's way.


wow, that's what I call build to order!

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