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I've purchased several ERR cruise commanders and steam railsounds kits to upgrade steam locos without command or sound. The Railsounds instructions seem to me to steer you to a magnet on a tender wheel to drive steam chuff. Some of my locos have smoke units. One has a flywheel with black and white bands. Wondering what my options are for steam chuff input, and what others have done?

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have used both serial data chuff and direct to railsounds lite board hall effect or reed switch encoder.

by data- I mean on the R2LC receiver in the engine, there is a chuff input signal that can be connected to a frame common pulsed input (cam driven switch or other).

With a striped flwyeheel- you could use the @gunrunnerjohn's chuff generator board and generate that programmed chuff signal and then with a tether to the tender for serial data- the ERR railsounds will accept serial data chuff from the engine.

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