How difficult would it be to make a "fake" 67.5 degree crossing with ScaleTrax? The crossing would only be powered on one route through the crossing, with the intersecting route non-powered.
I want to put in an interchange siding on my layout that would be modeled to give the appearance of a second rail line crossing the layout main and feeding one end of the interchange siding. This would be used to do virtual drop-offs and pick-ups from the interchange siding. My problem is, due to how everything is laid out, the crossing angle would need to be 67.5 degrees to make it look believable. If I use a standard 45-degree crossing, it would require using a LH and a RH curve on both sides of the crossing on the non-functional route, creating a visual "S" curve. If I can go with the 67.5 degree crossing angle, the non-funtional crossing route would be straight.