Brian Miller,
If you want a problem free FasTrack layout like mine, use the old Lionel 711 type
swithces with your FasTrack, the old switches will handle any kind of 3 rail PostWar & PreWar engines including original Lionel Tin Plate and MTH Tin Plate Reproduction. They have the metal built into them to get the job done. The draw back is the Old Lionel switches draw massive power. Run them from a seperate transformer. The new Ross Tin Plate switches are low voltage and run modern engines very well, I do not know if they will accomodate your 0-8-0 or not, I have not tested the new Ross Tin Plate Switches with my Tin Plate engines to know if the gaps in the Ross switches are small enough to accomodate the rollers on these type of engines. Wish I could help you more but as of now, the old Lionel 711 type switches are the only switches that I know that will accomodate these type of engines on a repetative running basis, especially at slow speeds using the DCS.
The old Lionel switches that work with all different kinds of 3 rail O guage Trains.
DCS FasTrack Layout with old Lionel 711 type switches.