@ Dallas Joseph- YES Dallas, Its Friday already. Great video of those 5 (?) engines pulling that long coal train. @Train Bub jgr- two beautiful J'types @jgtrh62- nice looking SF diesels @leapinlarry - great pictures as always, the NKP 765 and the EV Santa Fe caboose were really neat @RSJB18 - neat switchers from the Baltimore area...Love those crab cakes / crabs at Phillips! @BAR GP7 #63- neat B&M pictures @trumpettrain - great action pictures today @Sitka- Good pictures of that PW Lionel switcher coming towards the camera, what # is that loco? Great pictures and posts everyone!!
Well for me today, I have a returning veteran from the very end of the pre-war era. The #204 die cast 2-4-2 was just about the last of the Lionel prewar diecast steamers. She dates from 1940-1941 ( War Production Board stopped toy train production in 1942) and was never sold as an individual item, only in sets. She served as the power in 15 different sets in 1940 -41 all of them but one were freight sets and that one included both freight and passenger cars with the single locomotive.
Here is the F.E.F. view . She could be either gunmetal gray or black with any of the sets. In those times I am sure it depended on what inventory was available as materials were getting scarce.

Here she is with her tender (Whistle in this case but also available w/o a whistle) moving the consist of one of her many sets, this one illustrates an example of the make up of #7100 WX from 1940 although some of the cars could vary in their details.

Here is a better look at the consist.

A shot at the train departing.

Happy Friday.
Best Wishes