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@BAR GP7 #63 posted:


Thank you. I was really surprised how big BL2 was live, before I had only seen pictures of it. The bay windows are a great detail, and that painting is really wonderful. 🤝


There's one a couple hundred miles from me in Wisconsin. I wish I had taken pictures of it back in the early 2000's. Next time I'm there I will get pictures of #52.

@leapinlarry posted:, Today, my pictures are from a friends layout that I visited in Kentucky, actual steam locomotives on an outdoor G Gauge layout that really are powered by steam. Happy Railroading Everyone 11150199-A377-469E-B004-2ABFB50221412EF64ACA-9C6B-438A-A305-D63A0F39C690

LIVE  STEAM  from your friend in Kentucky  .............boy Larry that is some real model railroad dedication .

Really great Larry.   Thanks for sharing the photos.

Well F.E.F. folks, you have some wonderful posts, pictures, and I won't try and run down the list but all are super and a great way to start the weekend.  Here is my contribution today...Picture its 1946 the first "full" year after the WWII production restrictions are lifted.  Lionel is struggling to meet the post war demand and so to help that demand it falls back on some of its classic outfits (sets) from the pre-war period.  So here is the Lionel #224 2-6-2 that prewar was the 224E and the brown tinplate passenger cars.  Same as prewar but with post war couplers and trucks.  So here is outfit #2100 from 1946 (note it also came with green cars).

Lionel outfit 2100 engine front viewLionel outfit 2100 engine front quarter veiwLionel Outfit 2100 rear view

Best wishes for a great weekend everyone



Images (3)
  • Lionel outfit 2100 engine front view
  • Lionel outfit 2100 engine front quarter veiw
  • Lionel Outfit 2100 rear view

Wow everyone, what a great display of pictures.  @walt rapp- Pitsburgh Brewing Company switcher, rare at 1/500 for sure @leapinlarry - Larry your layout and trains are super, love the pictures and the "Lionel" rock in the mountain side @RSJB18 - Sperry speeder, neat and hope you have great luck running it @Dave Ripp - RI FT is really neat @Fatman- Brimtoy really went all out on the litho, alas I only have the Britannia but I keep looking for the other two.  Patrick - great pictures, the Shay looks very realistic in the setting @Strap Hanger - great NY Yankee subway scene - now its ON TO 63! @Richie C.- neat looking switcher

Well guys, you all are often posting pictures of your beautiful (and large) engines while I seem to be stuck in the little engine line.  So I decided to pull out an engine I got in 1991 when we were living in a house with a huge basement and I was dreaming of a big layout...well you know how that goes,  The Navy decided we really needed to live in Washington D.C. with no basement!

So I have this beautiful Lionel #6-18007 Southern Pacific GS 4 and I have not been able to run it much since.  Its just too big for my current little layout.  This loco was at the front edge of Lionel's quest to add more and more elaborate features to its locomotives, just ahead of things like "Legacy".  It does have "Rail Sounds" activated by a button that connects to the track and steam through the steam chest as well as the stack.  Here are the features listed , too much to type.

Lionel 18007 SP GS-4 loco box end

Here is the F.E.F. view

Lionel 18007 SP GS-4 loco front quarter

The front quarter with the "Daylight" skirts.  I actually have a set of matching "Daylight" passenger cars but attaching them would make a train so long, it would go around my layout without moving.

Lionel 18007 SP GS-4 loco front side

The full side view, showing the tender where all the electronics are kept.  It attaches to the engine via a wire tether fitted with an RCA plug that plugs into the engine just below the cab.

Lionel 18007 SP GS-4 loco side view

And yes after 31 years she still does run beautifully, although I have to move "buildings" in order for her to get around my layout's tight clearances.  Some day...maybe larger radii and more room...who knows.

Best wishes everyone.


Well, Don, If I can do it, You can do it


Videos (1)
Where's the Front End
@leapinlarry posted:

Yes @Dallas Joseph, time flies when your having fun, beautiful video, lots of power to pull your train, wow.. Beautiful pictures everyone and have a fun weekend. Happy Railroading Everyone 4FC1D385-FBF8-4AF7-A158-C590DCB9B3AD

Thanks for the reply on the video Larry.

I thought about additional pulling power but when I delete a LASH UP  I have to go back in and add the engines sometimes.

Still getting a kick out of seeing leapinlarry's engines and scenery.   Nice.

@ Dallas Joseph-  YES Dallas, Its Friday already.  Great video of those 5 (?) engines pulling that long coal train. @Train Bub jgr- two beautiful J'types @jgtrh62- nice looking SF diesels @leapinlarry - great pictures as always, the NKP 765 and the EV Santa Fe caboose were really neat @RSJB18 - neat switchers from the Baltimore area...Love those crab cakes / crabs at Phillips! @BAR GP7 #63- neat B&M pictures @trumpettrain - great action pictures today @Sitka- Good pictures of that PW Lionel switcher coming towards the camera, what # is that loco?   Great pictures and posts everyone!!

Well for me today, I have a returning veteran from the very end of the pre-war era.  The #204 die cast 2-4-2 was just about the last of the Lionel prewar diecast steamers.  She dates from 1940-1941 ( War Production Board stopped toy train production in 1942) and was never sold as an individual item, only in sets.  She served as the power in 15 different sets  in 1940 -41 all of them but one were freight sets and that one included both freight and passenger cars with the single locomotive.

Here is the F.E.F. view . She could be either gunmetal gray or black with any of the sets.  In those times I am sure it depended on what inventory was available as materials were getting scarce.

Lionel 204

Here she is with her tender (Whistle in this case but also available w/o a whistle) moving the consist of one of her many sets, this one illustrates an example of the make up of #7100 WX from 1940 although some of the cars could vary in their details.

Lionel 204 Frt front

Here is a better look at the consist.

Lionel 204 Frt side

A shot at the train departing.

Lionel 204 Frt rear

Happy Friday.

Best Wishes



Images (4)
  • Lionel 204
  • Lionel 204 Frt front
  • Lionel 204 Frt side
  • Lionel 204 Frt rear

@ Dallas Joseph-  YES Dallas, Its Friday already.  Great video of those 5 (?) engines pulling that long coal train. @Train Bub jgr- two beautiful J'types @jgtrh62- nice looking SF diesels @leapinlarry - great pictures as always, the NKP 765 and the EV Santa Fe caboose were really neat @RSJB18 - neat switchers from the Baltimore area...Love those crab cakes / crabs at Phillips! @BAR GP7 #63- neat B&M pictures @trumpettrain - great action pictures today @Sitka- Good pictures of that PW Lionel switcher coming towards the camera, what # is that loco?   Great pictures and posts everyone!!

Well for me today, I have a returning veteran from the very end of the pre-war era.  The #204 die cast 2-4-2 was just about the last of the Lionel prewar diecast steamers.  She dates from 1940-1941 ( War Production Board stopped toy train production in 1942) and was never sold as an individual item, only in sets.  She served as the power in 15 different sets  in 1940 -41 all of them but one were freight sets and that one included both freight and passenger cars with the single locomotive.

Here is the F.E.F. view . She could be either gunmetal gray or black with any of the sets.  In those times I am sure it depended on what inventory was available as materials were getting scarce.

Lionel 204

Here she is with her tender (Whistle in this case but also available w/o a whistle) moving the consist of one of her many sets, this one illustrates an example of the make up of #7100 WX from 1940 although some of the cars could vary in their details.

Lionel 204 Frt front

Here is a better look at the consist.

Lionel 204 Frt side

A shot at the train departing.

Lionel 204 Frt rear

Happy Friday.

Best Wishes


Don that is a PW Lionel 624 C & O 1952-54 Has the 3 Handrail stanchions, I owe you some pictures of the layout, you have a nice collection looks like you're running out of room. Mark

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