I had just finished the Pickle Factory and shipped it to my customer. I used ZAP-A-GAP to glue the walls. The building arrived with three walls separated. I had the customer return it for repair.
I run some small experiments using different glues to attach some spare walls.
Plastruct Plastic Weld (MEK)
Gorrilla Glue 5 minute epoxy
ZAP-A-GAP Plastizap
Mike's Craft Modelers CA
Gorrilla Glue CA (light blue tip) - recommended by Rich Redmond
I sanded the walls with 150 grit paper. After applying glue the walls were clamped overnight. After removing the clamps I first tried pulling the walls apart (light hand pressure). If they held I dropped them on the concrete floor 2-3 times. Please note that while wood was used on the kit to add more glue surface the test was conducted on plastic to plastic only. What I found was:
Plastruct Plastic Weld (MEK) - Pulled right apart - did not adhere at all. Whatever the plastic is, MEK does not melt it. It obviously does nothing for gluing wood but I wanted to see if it would melt the plastic.
Gorrilla Glue 5 minute epoxy - Pulled right apart. The epoxy left a nice smooth surface on the plastic.
ZAP-A-GAP - Pulled apart with moderate hand pressure
ZAP-A-GAP Plastizap - Pulled apart with moderate hand pressure
Mike's Craft Modelers CA - held and survived drop test
Gorrilla Glue CA (light blue tip) - held and survived drop test
What I have discovered is that sanding the glue surfaces with 150 grit prior to applying glue gives the glue better sticking power. I have started repairing the Pickle Factory. One wall was re-surfaced and glued. Though I did not drop it on the floor it did survive 4-5 two foot drops onto my workbench.
I would be very interested in knowing what kind of plastic is used for Korber walls since it would aid in doing some research on the best glues to use. After sanding the walls I discovered that with some the red sanded away and left behind white plastic while with other walls the red color stayed as if the wall was molded in color. Also if anyone else has used a different glue with success I would like to know.