How many people would be ready to buy a re-issue of the Golden Gate Depot 1938 20th Century Limited passenger car set if it were offered?
In the 2023 Big Book Catalog, Lionel offers a Legacy version of the Dreyfuss Hudson that pulled the 20th Century Limited, along with three packs of corresponding passenger cars 21 inches in length. This offering will no doubt serve many peoples interests. Others may want or need shorter length cars of course.
For people who are particularly enthusiastic about the 1938 20th Century Limited, they may want high fidelity passenger cars that correspond very closely to the 1938 version of the 20th Century Limited. Highly detailed, high authenticity passenger cars is something that Golden Gate Depot excels at, with the commensurate higher price point. How many people are willing to pay more for what would be expected to be higher authenticity passenger cars?