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Even though I have gotten out of the hobby, I saw this and thought how much you guys could use this!!!!!!


Here is a synopsis of the article, but the link above has more detail and pictures.   ENJOY!!!!

Step 1, Acquire stuff

  • A roll of 0.5mm solder in the composition of your choosing.
  • A .5mm mechanical pencil with a removable eraser.

Step 2, Prep the pencil, Remove the eraser from the back of the pencil and remove the graphite "lead" saving for your other pencils. Click the feed mechanism to ensure that there is no more graphite installed in the pencil

Step 3, Straighten about 5-6 inches of solder and insert it into the rear of the pencil, whilst activating the feed mechanism so that the solder will start feeding from the tip. IE click the pencil till the stuff comes out the end.

Step 4, start soldering and profit!!! "

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Sheesh, and this is one of the reasons I ran from this hobby.....  Oh well to those who want the steadiness of hand enjoy
Originally Posted by Old Goat:

Seriously, what is the purpose?  The only benefit is to the firms selling mechanical pencils.  How long before someone reports that they clogged the tip with melted solder or bonds the tip to the work item???


Originally Posted by Old Goat:

Seriously, what is the purpose?  The only benefit is to the firms selling mechanical pencils.  How long before someone reports that they clogged the tip with melted solder or bonds the tip to the work item???

Have you ever tried soldering to the tip of a mechanical lead pencil?  Before hurling the insults you might try it, it's not as easy as you might imagine.

Last edited by gunrunnerjohn

Maybe it's just me but, I really can't see the usefulness of using a mechanical pencil to hold solder while soldering. Many times I have been soldering small items, or wires to rails, I have the iron in my right hand, pliers holding the second piece/wire in my left hand, and the roll of solder held between my teeth. Thus, with a nice long length of solder unrolled from the solder roll, I can carefully apply nice small bits of solder as it melts & flows. Now try THAT with a push-button mechanical pencil!

Originally Posted by illinoiscentral:

I want to think about that holding the solder in my mouth for a while.

I did NOT mean that I "hold the solder in my mouth". What I meant was, I hold the ROLL of solder between my teeth. Thus, no solder actually touches my lips, if that is what you were concerned about.


For what it's worth, OGR had a photo of me doing soldering with Grandson Jake, taken by my wife. I have no idea what issue the photo was printed in (maybe 6 or 8 years ago?), but it was actually pretty cool.

Last edited by Hot Water

Great tip,


Although I'll have to reserve judgment on the imaginative methods used by folks (me included) for holding solder with various body parts, this sounds like a very good idea for soldering components on cct. boards, repairing traces, working in small spaces, etc.  I'm definitely going to give it a try; anything that helps out with minimizing the amount of bulk you have to hang on to or move around while soldering has got to be good. 


I'm certainly not going to try mounting the solder on a pencil sticking out of my ear




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