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I have a new  Lionel operating box car, Mount Saint Helens Hot Sauce, and I need to gain access to the inside by removing the shell. Unfortunately, the screw just rotates and does not back out at all.


I am aware of the screw extractor kits but was wondering of anyone has found a simpler way of getting the bugger out without damaging the shell. It is too small and recessed to grap with pliers.




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If the screw is loose enough, you may be able to wrap a piece if thin wire under the head. Gently pull on the wire while you unscrew. Option 2, use a dremel tool and grind the head off the screw. Either way, I'd mask it as best I could with some painter's tape to keep from buggering the finish.

If its rotating but not moving then the plastic shell threads have stripped out, why not just remove all the rest of the screws and try gently wiggling the shell off. If you can get it to move a little bit and then re-seat the shell, then you should be able to grab the screw head with pliers and get the stripped screw out.

John's right.
I had a Yamaha 460YZ chain broke and knocked a hole in the transmission case
I coated the broken piece with JB Weld and stuck it back in there.It never leaked one drop of oil. I've been a believer ever since.

If you've got a screw that's fairly loose even with a broken head try sliding a thin piece of brass under it and use a small drill bit on a cordless drill set in reverse to back it out.

little screw extractors break to easily unless you have hands as steady as a brain surgeon (yea I'm not in that group either)

Oops didn't read all of your post LOL

Just take all the other screws loose then gently apply pressure to try and separate the shell and at the same time unscrew that stripped screw it'll come right outta there


Originally Posted by gunrunnerjohn:

I use JB-Weld for stripped screws, it's great for the task.  Some epoxy products are difficult to get a good repair with.

Lionel has cut costs by elimaniting the 2nd screw on the opposite end. The metal frame has 2 tabs that slide though the end of the shell on one end. A screw (stripped !) holds the other. Thus my dilema.


Out of the box the smoke and lights work intermittenly (barely at all actually) so I suspect a loose wire inside.

You can buy a Permatex thread repair kit at a local auto store. You fill the opening with the threads with a type of 2 part epoxy. You then apply a release agent to the screw and put it in loosely. When the epoxy dries around the screw the threads are repaired. You can then tighten the screw on on the repaired threads or unscrew it as necessary. 

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