I have an MTH 20-3042-1 - Premier M1 Steam Turbine Electric that has a bad motor. I bought the engine used, so don't know how it happened, but one motor is really tight and does not want to turn. When I remove it from the engine, it draws about 3/4 of an amp (at 6 volts) to turn on its own.
I have tried lubricants, cleaners, but it is just too stiff. Probably a bad bearing.
Anyway, MTH does not have a replacement, nor will they pull off the gear and put it on another motor, so here's where I need some help.
The gear is longer than most MTH gears. The only other locomotive I found with a gear that long is the old premier SD-9s.
Does anybody know of another source for MTH motors, or anybody that can pull off the worm gear and put it on another motor?