@MainLine Steam posted:Thanks Ryan, Jim & Myles for your posts.
I have been inspired after seeing the many post, and I have started my layout planning. I always intended to have a double track Mainline and am leaning towards one track being 2R and the other 3R. I live in an apartment, so am limited with layout size, but believe I may have come-up with a solution.
At first didn't think it would be possible, but have created a 2R Mainline with 54" radius curves. I am not sure if this will accommodate the (2) 2R Steam engines I have purchased, but am hopeful.
The adjoining 3R Mainline has 0-99 and 0-117 curves. That should be able to run everything 3R I have.
Now the question; am I willing to do what it takes, to "modify" the apartment? Intention would be to undo the mods when I move out, "God willing". On the other hand, I have gotten to know the maintenance guys here, and sometimes apartments have been vacated or evicted in far worse shape.
Please feel free to "cheer me on", or let me know if 54" Radius is still too tight. 2R Locos I have are Williams, I have not been able to find specs. I have found that similar Weavers say they would run on 36" Radius.
Every steam engine that 3rd Rail has made in the era since Scott took over will run on 54" Radius. If you have to have tight curves like I do you would be surprised what will run on 36" Radius (Weaver models) and even some that run on 24" Radius (smaller switchers and such). Now of course it won't look as good, but what many people fail to realize is that it's possible to use hidden curves of tight radius to fit your space while using broad curves in the visible areas. Get creative and experiment.
I recently purchased old Atlas 24"r radiused turnouts on ebay that were made in the 70's just to see what would work with them. So far no problems with my 0-4-0, 0-6-0, SW900, GP9, 50' Boxcars, and 60' passenger cars.