Like so many of the others responding above, my track comes very and there.
But, I became very comfortable doing that after seeing a friend's layout....Terry Johnson (Great Layout Adventures, Vol. 7). Clearly it was doable. I continued with my own layout plans/construction. Glad I did.
Actually, though, I've had a rather antithetical perspective about this whole notion. I've seen lots of layouts in my 70+ years. Some of these experiences have been when I was part of busloads of ogling hobbyists descending on the basement layout at a time. Others, have been with smaller groups...maybe just a couple of curious parents shepherding a couple of finger-poking kids.
Which has led me to ask (rhetorically, of course!)...
"How close to the edge of the layout are your visitors?"
.....or their elbows, poking fingers, sweeping-arm gestures, over-filled coffee mugs, slippery beer cans, etc., etc.. After all, the rail-to-wheel-flange relationship has proven quite predictable and reliable for 1:1 and 1:48 trains. Arm, hand, finger, bobbing head, swinging butt, et al movements of homo sapiens?.,,,,not so much.
Don't get me wrong......I have no special edge barriers on my layout for containing trains, nor do I have electric fences spaced more than an arm's reach to contain visitors.
A cattle prod is all I need.
Just Kidding!!!!