Being a month away from Thanksgiving I'm eager to set up my carpet central holiday layout even though the wife says not quite yet, it's still a tad too early. So that brings me to wonder how many of you do a holiday layout and when does it go up and come down? Is it a simple loop with perhaps a few houses situated on the floor around your Christmas tree or a more quasi permanent affair built on a sheet of plywood elevated off the floor on sawhorses or close to the floor resting on cinderblocks? Is it a snow covered wintery scene? A simple holiday train running on a loop or a larger affair with multiple trains running on various loops complete with switches and sidings? Fastrack or other? Enhanced with Department 56 SnowVillage, Lemax, Plasticville, MTH, Lionel, Atlas, Cornerstone, Ameri-towne or kitbashed buildings? How elaborate do you get? How much time and effort is spent on setting it up? Is planning and setting it up soley up to you or is it a family activity with the wife, kids, grandchildren involved?
Six decades ago when I believed in Santa, I'd go to bed Christmas Eve and awaken Christmas morning eager not only to see what presents Santa had brought but also to see the platform complete with American Flyer train, lighted and glistening snow covered Plasticville and cardboard houses and the live family Christmasd tree in the center, all done through the magical work of Santa while I slept. Any of you with Santa age children do that today, set up your display on Christmas Eve after the youngsters have gone to bed to surprise and delight them with its magical appearance Christmas morning?
If a train layout is a yearly tradition in you home, how much do you vary it from year to year?
And for those with a permanent rather than temporary seasonal setup, do you modify it in someway for the holidays?
Please share your past efforts with us. Tell us what you've done or post photos or video clips of your holiday layout so we can enjoy, benefit and learn by seeing how you use trains during the holidays.