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I have my layout controlled by two tpc's and my switches with acs's controlling z1000 and Ross switches. I have both MTH ps2 and Lionel engines and want to use both systems. When I connect the TIU to the tmcc command base, I have no way to get the com and data from the tmcc control base to control the tpc or the ASC's. Since I have 34 switchs and a control panel tied into the tmcc, I need to get the com and data to the TPC for control of switches. How can it be done ? Help ? I tired several options none of them have worked.
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The Output of the Base on Pin 2 can easily be split, but on the Input on Pin 3, two devices trying to drive the Base may create a signal conflict. Sometimes using diodes in series with the two sources ("pointed" toward the Base) can eliminate the electrical conflict, but the devices still must not be "talking" at the same time.

An example would be DCS and an Action Recorder both trying to send signals to the Base.
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