Dominic Mazoch posted:Big Jim posted:Mr. Red car was going to make a right turn. He properly stopped before proceeding with his turn, then realized that he couldn't turn because of the street traffic. How many of you think the guy behind him had no clue about the train and didn't give Mr. Red Car room to back up?
Maybe there was a car too close to the rear bumper of the guy who was behind the red car?
The point Dominic is, when in a line of cars approaching a RR crossing, don't be in such a hurry to close up on the bumper of the car ahead. It may suddenly get stopped for some unknown reason right on the tracks. Give the guy an "out" or room to back up if need be. If you don't and the car ahead gets hit, it could come back and injure you. Let the car ahead get fully across the tracks before you make the decision to cross yourself. Think about it.