Yes, that's the problem sometimes. It does end up more work than we'd like. Sometimes I start a project like this and think it won't be that difficult. Then, I end up going much deeper than I expected. When it's all said and done, the cars are running on my layout, I forget how much I went thru to get them converted.
Now, I plan for the worse case. I have trucks ready for the conversion. I have spare wipers ready to bend and place for power pick-up. I have a growing electronics parts supply of caps, chokes, LEDs, etc.
You either buy stuff ready to run. Or prepare to do the conversions on what you acquire.
I can't stand flickering lights. So I choose to modify them anyways. I'm glad I'm in no rush.
Go to the electrical forum here on the OGR. There's some great posts and electrical guys that will help out. They've helped me on a lot of projects here.