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I picked up this set recently and thought someone might like to see the components.  It is a 1958 only 2505W set.  Supposedly quite rare, especially with the components and the condition.  The 2329 Virginian has clean decals.  The 6464-500 Timken box car is a type 3 with plastic AAR trucks, supposedly only made in 1959 so I'm guessing this set was made late in 1958.  Also, the box for the 6464-500 is an over-stamped 6464-515 box.  The 6805 Radioactive Waste car has what appear to be soldering iron burn marks underneath which I think came from the factory this way.  I guess QC by 1958 was really not up to par.



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lionelflyer: Please don't misunderstand me, with NO disrespect intended, but every dog has his day!  A really really GREAT find in 2020 indeed!

Regarding the soldiering iron burn marks on Lionel 6805 flat car: Don't you think that there's a remote possibility that the Radioactive Waste containers leaked that caused the disfigurements...???

Gads everybody: Duck & Cover...!!!  LOL

Last edited by Trinity River Bottoms Boomer

I hadn't thought of the radioactive waste containers leaking!  I guess that is a distinct possibility.  Unfortunately, since I run my trains and have all of these items separately, I'll wind up selling the set, probably at the next York, if we ever have one again.  The items in the set and the boxes are probably too delicate to take a chance on opening the boxes again and taking a chance on running them.

This was an interesting collection to pick up.  It had this set and three others in it, along with a bunch of Super O track and switches and a boxed ZW.

The other sets were an American Flyer 4904T set from 1952 (no boxes) with a #282 engine and cars, and two Lionel 1443WS sets from 1947 (no boxes).

The Flyer set is pretty plain jane.  The 1443WS sets are also interesting.  The set included a 2020 w/2020W tender, a 3462 milk car, a 3459 coal dump car, a 2465 Sunoco tank car, and a 2257 caboose.  This was the top of the line 027 set with two operating cars.  The 2257 was one year only and probably dates the sets to very late 1947 as the set is noted to have had the metal 2472 N5 style caboose.  Also, the 3462 is off-white and not the hard to find early 3462 in high gloss white enamel.   One of the 2020 and 2020W tender works well but the other one needs a complete overhaul.  Both 2020 engines have resister smoke units and still smoke like crazy.  Both Type S transformers and track were also still with the sets.  The nephew of the original owner didn't know why they had two of the same sets but I'm sure that would have been an interesting story.

I will probably put up pictures of one of the 1443W sets running when I get a chance.  I can't really run them or use them much since I have all Ross switches and all the cars have sliding shoe pick-ups for the couplers and operating functions and they don't like the Ross switches at all.


I wouldn't sell it on the forum.  Some of the pieces (Allis Chalmers car & Airplane) are just too delicate to take a chance on shipping.  However, the 1947 sets will probably go up in the next week or two, along with a set of trains that have a 2046 in it. 

I call the 2046 set "Poor Henry's" train set.  Although the 2046 runs and smokes well, it is only in about a good condition.  The engine has a broken marker light (although that can be fixed by replacing the boiler front) and the tender has a broken step.  From there the rest of the items range from fair to good in condition.  Overall, with a little imagination, it can be perceived as a train owned by a little RR company that doesn't have the finances to keep everything in pristine condition.

BTW, I tried putting the pins in the switches but the cars are either bouncing up and over and derailing or uncoupling. 



That 2507 was a nice set.  My first set came the previous year.  It was the Canadian Pacific set with the CP F3's 3 Vista Domes and Observation car.  I still have the set (but unfortunately not the boxes) and since then I've managed to pick up the two separate sale Pullman cars.  Supposedly, my parents bought it for me for Christmas when I was just five years old.  We had a permanent layout in the basement.  I really suspect that my dad kind of bought it for me so he could play with it. But that never happened, did it!

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