Which scent in your opinion smells like fresh cut pine trees or like your real Christmas tree. I tried fire place and it did not smell like burning wood to me, but then we burn fresh pine and I guess that is what I expected. Thanks for your answer.,
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I haven't tried it but I do know a couple of people who like Megasteams Christmas pine.
Our "Christmas Pine" is a big holiday seller and is very popular with people who want the smell of a fresh cut Christmas tree. "Fireplace" is a special scent that replicates the smell of a fireplace... smokey and sooty like when you clean and have to take out the ashes. "Campfire" is a newer scent and does have the smell of a real campfire burning pine. It is also a favorite of those with buildings on fire on their layouts. Of course all of our scents are very subjective and it depends upon individual taste (or smell in this case). Thanks for the question. see more at www.megasteam.com.
we just used Christmas pine today, march 31 2015 and it is the best pine smell out there.
Christmas Pine was our go-to scent for many years. Then we discovered Christmas Berry at the October York Meet and it is our new favorite, by far. Best scent we have ever used.
If you are looking for a very pleasant aroma, your should give this one a try. Mega-Steam has a grand slam here.
I hope you are not burning fresh pine in your fireplace
I like the MTH Christmas scent smoke fluid, smells like Christmas to me.