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I have a K line Plymouth locomotive that I would like to convert to Scale wheels. Also right now I am working on converting a K Line Speeder power truck to scale wheels. These power units look similar from the outside. I have not taken the Plymouth apart yet but I do have the speeder chassis apart. The axles on the speeder are 3/32 dia. I have some Intermountain wheels that I was thinking of using. But the axles where the wheels press on the Intermountain wheel sets are 1/8" dia. I thought about making bushings to fit the smaller axles to the Intermountain wheels.  I know that some of the folks on this list have converted the K Line Plymouth. What wheels are usually used or are easiest to use to convert the K line Plymouth? I did not see any plain wheels from NWSL avail. for 3/32 axles.


Any tips on this that you all may have would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Phil Randall

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This has popped up here before...a couple times! 


Joe Foehrkolb of Baldwin Forge and Machine authored an article in a paper magazine several years back that showed his conversion.  I would rate his work as the "gold standard".  Joe participates on this forum, he can fill you in on his details, or guide you to the correct publication so you can find your own copy?


I used Joe's ideas as a base for my own conversion.  I would have to say that my version is at least sufficient.  I don't have the equipment or experience and can't justify the expense for the tools to learn.  My personal goal was to build my own model and found a way to meet that goal using Joe's shared knowledge to guide my solution.


I posted a blow by blow on a friends blog site.  Check out this link:


As already mentioned, Brotherlove also shared his conversion here on this forum.  You will have to use the search function and may be able to find it, if it wasn't too long ago. 

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