K-line had a nice little trolley that was produced in a handful of road names. Anybody know who ended up with the molds? I was hoping they might appear on the RMT roster....
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Doesn't look very prototypical...
Ive always wanted the K-Line "Coney Island Trolley".... Never got it..
Doesn't look very prototypical...
Are you referring to the bears? It definitely falls under the toy train category, but it really isn't a bad approximation of a 1910s convertible
What's the drive like in these - underbody?
That's really neat interior detail... if it were bump and go, I'd be looking for one
Ive always wanted the K-Line "Coney Island Trolley".... Never got it..
There is one on ebay right now.....
Zach, did you win it?
throw in a mth can motor and add proto 2 from a PCC! and you got a cool trolley or Gunrunner john did some TMCC stuff. maybe he did a trolley like that. looks kind of like a Brill
I have the K-Line Coca-Cola Trolley Car with the Polar Bears, so it's not prototypical, I really don't care, I just enjoy it, it's cute! Good Runner too. Building a 3 or 4 stop station track for it now, locked in forward with reversing loops, otherwise point to point running. Have had it about 5 years and no problems, picked it up for about $30.
Oh, it's not prototypically proportioned:
But as I found out a few years ago, it definitely is based upon a particular prototype, even down to the trucks. About the only difference is BRT 4573 is shown in its summer configuration, with bars replacing the wood-and-glass panels it would sport in colder seasons.
The "value" in having the tooling for this model lies not in the funk-ily proportioned body, but in the trucks, which if not completely underfloor, are at least low-slung enough to make other, more realistically proportioned trolleys or LRV's possible without having to design a new power truck from scratch (other than maybe lengthening their wheelbase a bit).
I didnt win it... =/ Maybe next time..
I didnt win it... =/ Maybe next time..
Bummer. Good luck.
I had one the K-Line trolley cars and it was way too big for O-gauge.
Thanks! There's the information that I was looking for all along,